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Click here to read a review of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, by Tom Venuto

(Webmaster's Notes:  The following book is published for entertainment only.  Although I am quite in agreement with many, but not all, of Mr. Camp's attitudes towards fitness and health, he wrote in the earliest part of the 20th century, and much has been learned since then.  While I applaud his attitude towards physcial fitness, exercise, and health, many of his "facts" have since been provem wrong, or at least not fully understood.  I may make the occasional commen along the way, genernally in parentheses and prefaced by WN, for Webmaster's Notes.

I hope you enjoy the book, but check up on the latest facts before following through on the exercise and fitness tips contained within.  By the way, the original book had quite a few illustrationg, and you may see reference here or there to them.  However, I have omitted them on this website.

Donovan Baldwin April 2009)


Nature has given man two ways (outside of the action of the bowels) of
getting rid of impurities, one by means of the skin and the other by
means of the kidneys. It is like a motor-car with two cylinders. If one
stops the other will run on for a time, but its wear is increased. When
a man stops exercising and ceases to carry off by means of his skin some
of these impurities, he throws an additional load on his kidneys. When
a man goes without exercise and begins to accumulate fat, that fat
gradually deposits itself and not alone about the waist; it invades the
muscular tissue all over his body even to his heart. As this
accumulation grows there come with it a muscular slackness and a
disinclination to exercise. The man is carrying greater weight and with
less muscular strength to do it. No wonder that when he tries to
exercise he gets tired. He is out of condition. Hence he begins to
revolve in a vicious circle. He knows that he needs exercise to help
take off the fat, but exercise tires him so much, on account of the fat,
that he becomes exhausted; usually he gives it up and lets himself drift
again. As his abdomen becomes more pendulous his legs grow less active.
As his energy wanes his carriage becomes more slack. He shambles along
as best he can, if he is positively obliged to walk. His feet trouble
him. Altogether he is only comfortable when riding. When he has reached
this state the insurance companies regard him as a poor risk, and
instead of enjoying the allotted threescore and ten years of real life
he falls short by a decade; and even then the last ten years are but
"labor and sorrow."          



While I do not normally recommend diets themselves, healthy eating is important to any health, fitness, or weight loss program. Click Here to learn more about Diet To Go meals.

P. S. If you want to learn more about why Diets Don't Work, please click here.

If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great book to read is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Keeping Fit All the Way Part I Chapter I Vicious Circle