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(Webmaster's Notes: The following book is published for entertainment only. Although I am quite in agreement with many, but not all, of Mr. Camp's attitudes towards fitness and health, he wrote in the earliest part of the 20th century and much has been learned since then. While I applaud his attitude toward physical fitness, exercise, and health, many of his "facts" have since been proven wrong, or at least not fully understood. I may make the occasional common along the way, generally in parentheses and prefaced by WN, for Webmaster's Notes.

I hope you enjoy the book, but check up on the latest facts before following through on the exercise and fitness tips contained within. By the way, the original book had quite a few illustrations, and you may see references here or there to them. However, I have omitted them on this website.

Donovan Baldwin April 2009)


Shaklee Products Difference We are all very much interested in the life of an automobile tire, and it seems to speak to us in terms we can readily understand. But only the sage and successful men of our generation know and appreciate how valuable the life of a man is when expressed in those same terms of good hard dollars. Many manufacturers in the last two or three years have awakened to the fact that when they put in a man and he stayed with them only two or three months, or even, in the case of executives, two or three years, and then dropped out, either to go It was a distinct loss elsewhere or on account of ill health. In other words, they had put a certain investment into the man, and that investment should have been growing more valuable to them all the time.

Germany's General Staff, previous to this war, was working overtime, just as our Cabinet and National Board of Defense are doing now - namely, till midnight and beyond. But the German General Staff was taken out into the Tiergarten in the morning for from one to two hours of exercise at the beginning of the day.

It therefore sifts itself down to this: If we had an ordnance officer who fired a gun, that was tested for but two hundred rounds without overheating, five hundred times and thus cracked it, he would probably be discharged. If the superintendent in a factory doubled the number of hours he was running his automatic machinery, and instead of doubling the amount of oil cut it in half and thus ruined the machines, he would be regarded as a fool. Yet we are letting our men, high in executive positions, heads of departments in the government, and leaders of manufacturing, transportation, and commercial interests, do this very thing. Is it possible that we regard them as less valuable to us in this emergency than machines and guns, that we should burn them out for lack of lubricant and rest or physical conservation?



P. S. If you want to learn more about why Diets Don't Work, please click here.

If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great book to read is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Web Page Copyright 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated Sunday, January 7, 2024
Keeping Fit All the Way Part I Chapter III Economic Losses