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Athletes Who Use Shaklee Products
By Donovan Baldwin

You may have heard of Shaklee and their health products, but, since they are not marketed in health food stores, but are sold only by independent Shaklee distributors, you might think that they are not effective.

Well, Shaklee products are used by many Olympic and other world class athletes. Here is a short list of athletes who use Shaklee products:

Craig Blanchette - Wheelchair Athlete

A four-time winner of the Portland, Oregon, Marathon, Craig Blanchette holds 21 world records in elite wheelchair racing and a bronze medal from the Games in Seoul. Craig knows what it takes to succeed. Passion is what allows him to do what he does. “It’s now or never,” he says. “You have to decide what you are made of.”

A double amputee since birth and an inspiration to many, Craig has shown that there are no limits as to what one can achieve. He was inducted into the Oregon Disabled Sports Hall of Fame in 2009, and Craig dedicates his time to training other wheelchair racers...that is, when he’s not skateboarding, rock climbing, or scuba diving.

Craig credits a portion of his athletic ability to proper nutrition. He is a huge fan of Shaklee Physique®. He says, “Physique allows me to have better quality workouts, to get better performance out of the same amount of work, and to recover more quickly.”

Mary Whipple - Rowing

At 5 feet 3 inches and 106 pounds, you might take Mary Whipple for just the girl next door. Don't let her looks fool you. On the water, she's a relentless competitor with a reputation for winning and a voice that can move water. She is the coxswain for the U.S. Rowing team.

Matt Emmons - Shooting

A native of New Jersey, Matt Emmons has been around guns his entire life. Many members of his family were avid hunters, as was Matt. It wasn’t until he met an FBI firearms instructor at age 14 that Matt’s hobby became his true passion...a passion which led him to the world of competitive shooting. His favorite Shaklee product is Shaklee's Energizing Protein.

Troy Dumais - Diving

Troy Dumais, a three-time Olympian, who also holds 33 national titles, teamed with brother Justin in the men’s 3m synchronized spring board event at the 2012 Games in London.

Michael Blatchford - High Speed Cycling

At age 13, Michael Blatchford’s first true passion was aroused by a potentially dangerous and imposing force: the Olympic Velodrome in Los Angeles. The Velodrome is a 250-meter oval track designed for high-speed cycling and was used during the 1984 Games. Since visiting that track in his early teen years, Michael has become one of the most dynamic American sprinters on the track circuit today...and a user of Shaklee products.

In fact, Michael Blatchford says that he uses Shaklee Performance® and Shaklee Physique® on an almost daily basis.

Margaux Isaksen - Pentathlon

Margaux Isaksen found early success in pentathlon, competing in the Beijing Olympics at just 16 years of age. Last year she was crowned Champion of Champions in Sicily, Italy, and won gold at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, qualifying her for the 2012 Games in London. Margaux likes Shaklee Energy Chews.

Dennis Bowsher - Pentathlon

Pentathlon is a sport that tests both the mind and body of an athlete. Dennis Bowsher is a force to be reckoned with in this gruelling competition. On the strength of a fourth-place finish in the men’s modern pentathlon competition at the 2011 Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, Dennis Bowsher was able to qualify for the 2012 Games in London. Dennis likes Shaklee Sports Nutrition Products.

Corey Cogdell - Trap Shooting

In Corey Cogdell's short career, making history is just something you do! At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Cogdell became the first American woman to medal in the sport of trap (shotgun) shooting, and this was only two years after she began competing in 2006! She earned her first medals in 2007, and placed first against many veteran shotgunners at the 2008 Women’s Trap Olympic trials. Corey likes Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein.

Seth Kelsey - Fencing

After trying a number of other sports, including such diverse activities as basketball and kung fu, Seth Kelsey tried épée fencing. Although he claims he was “terrible” his first year, Kelsey is now one of the most experienced and accomplished U.S. épée fencers of all time. Seth has several "favorite" Shaklee products, including Shaklee Vitalizer™ Men, OmegaGuard®, and Vivix®.

Caryn Davies - Rowing

Caryn Davies was 13 years old when, one day as she was following her father in a local grocery store, a man walked up, and said "I want YOU for rowing!" He saw that this tall and lanky young girl had the potential to be a star rower, but it was her hard work and an unwavering pursuit of excellence that earned her success in the sport. Caryn's favorite Shaklee products are Energizing Soy Protein and Shaklee Vitalizer™.

Eleanor Logan - Rowing

In third grade, Eleanor Logan won the 100-meter individual medley in swimming at the Maine State Championship. In high school, she led her basketball team to the nationals...twice! So, when one of Eleanor Logan's teachers at Brooks School suggested that she take up rowing for the spring semester, she did. And she's been pulling an oar ever since...winning one gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Games and another at the 2012 Games in London.

What Shaklee products does Olympic athlete Eleanor Logan like? She goes for Enfuselle® Lip Treatment SPF 15, and Get Clean® Hand Dish Wash Liquid Concentrate.

Keith Sanderson - Rapid Fire Pistol

In 1996, Keith Sanderson was the type of U.S. Marine who wanted to be the best at everything...and the Marine Corps, he says, "puts a big emphasis on marksmanship." To help keep fit and competition-ready, Keith likes Shaklee Vitalizer™, Shaklee Energy™ Chews.

Justin Dumais - Diving

Following the 2005 World Championships, Justin Dumais retired from diving to fly F-16 jets in the U.S. Air Force. After six years and a tour of duty in Iraq, Justin has returned to diving. Justin Dumais likes several different Shaklee products, including: Zach Krych - Weight Lifting

For weightlifting champ Zach Krych, Shaklee isn't just a company that sells nutritional's a way of life. He's been taking Shaklee products for as long as he can remember. In fact, he's been taking them since before he was born.

"My mom started taking Shaklee products when she was pregnant with me and became a Shaklee Distributor," he says. "And growing up, I drank Shaklee Meal Shakes and always took my vitamins."

As you can imagine, with his background with Shaklee, and his stressful sport, Zach relies on a broad range of Shaklee products. His favorites are: Eli Bremer - Pentathlon

Eli Bremer is amazing. He fences, swims, rides horses, runs, and shoots. It’s hard to believe that this top-ranking pentathlete went from being an overweight kid with limited athletic ability to competing among the world’s best in the Beijing Games in 2008. For him, it’s about setting goals and having something to work toward.

Eli Bremer likes: Lanny Barnes - Biathlete

“Good luck. Ski fast. Shoot straight!”

Sage words to motivate and inspire a biathlete poised to compete on the world’s largest stage—the 2014 Games in Sochi, Russia.

“Typical Colorado kid” Lanny Barnes doesn’t seem to need any additional incentive, however. After representing her country at the 2006 and 2010 Games, 2014 will be her third chance to make history...and she hopes to share the podium with her twin sister, Tracy.

Lanny Barnes likes to rely on Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein Vanilla to help her keep fit and ready.

Tracy Barnes - Biathlete

Although she’s actually five minutes younger than twin sister Lanny, Tracy Barnes has always been the “older sister” to her twin, Lanny Barnes.

Of her twin, Lanny Barnes says, “She is truly great because she always puts things in perspective for me...”, and, “She is tough as nails and nothing ever gets to her.”

Tracy Barnes likes to use Shaklee Energy™ Chews.

Kris Freeman - Cross Country Skier

Like his hero, Bill Koch, who became the first American skier to medal in a Nordic event at the 1976 Games, Kris Freeman is breaking new ice. Kris, alias “Bird,” has won multiple national championships, placed fourth at the 2009 World Ski Championship (missing the bronze medal by a mere 1.3 seconds), and competed in three events at the Vancouver Games.

To help improve health and performance, cross country skier Kris Freeman likes Glucose Regulation Complex*, Saw Palmetto Complex, and Zinc Complex.

Peter Frenette - Ski Jumper

Peter Frenette started ski jumping at age 6 and never looked back. Frenette, one of the youngest athletes at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, deferred his acceptance to the University of Denver to continue jumping full time. He holds the record in the 90m event at his hometown of Lake Placid, N.Y., and he hopes to continue improving for the Russian Olympics in Sochi in 2014.

To keep on top of his training, and his demanding sport, Peter Frenette likes the following Shaklee products: Adam Moore - Skeleton

When Adam Moore graduated from the University of Colorado, he was too old for luge, too small for bobsled, and not exactly ready to be a grown-up. So, he decided to put adulthood on hold in order to pursue his only other sliding opportunity...the skeleton. As it turns out, it was the perfect fit for the former auto racing driver who had not lost his need for speed.

Looking forward to 2014, Adam trains six days a week. He relies on Shaklee products...what he calls "silent warriors" help maximize his workouts and keep him healthy. "Vitalizer is the best multivitamin in the market," he says. "It fills the voids in my diet and provides an adequate amount of each vitamin and mineral I need to get me through my day."

Adam doesn't stop there, however, as he uses several other Shaklee products as well: ABOUT THE AUTHOR:

Donovan Baldwin is a 76-year-old exerciser, freelance writer, optician, and Internet marketer currently living in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, area. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial and supervisory positions throughout his career. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, with 21 years of service, he became interested in Internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes original articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters.

He has an online store of various homeopathic and herbal health products which can be found at


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If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great book to read is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Natural Health and Beauty Products | Shaklee Vitamins Review
Athletes Who Use Shaklee Products
Page Updated 10:05 AM Monday, April 4, 2022
Web Page Copyright 2022 by Donovan Baldwin