Dietary Mineral: Sulfur - Health Benefits and Effects, Sources, Sulfur Deficiency, Supplements
Sulfur has many valuable anti-aging properties and it helps relieve the symptoms associated with age-related conditions such as arthritis.



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Dietary Mineral: Sulfur - Effects, Sources, Deficiency, Supplements

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There are many dietary minerals which are important to health, but, sulfur is one of the most amazing.

Liquid Sulfur Concentrate, 2 oz, Eidon Ionic MineralsIt has been used throughout history to alleviate the symptoms of many conditions. The third most abundant mineral in the body, it is outranked only by calcium and phosphorus. Every living cell within your body contains sulfur. Sulfur is a major component of amino acids, which are commonly referred to as the 'building blocks of the body'.

Look and Feel Good with Sulfur

Sulfur has long had a reputation for being a beautifying mineral.

If you've ever had the hedonistic pleasure of immersing yourself in a sulfur spring, you know just how true this is. Another reason for its reputation probably has to do with the fact that sulfur is in the ubiquitous substance, keratin, which keeps your hair, fingernails and skin strong and healthy. Sulfur also plays a significant role in the production of collagen. Your skin's best ally, collagen is actually present in the skin's connective tissues. These tissues help maintain the skin's elasticity and, since we tend to lose collagen as we aid, sulfur can help us remain looking younger longer.

Collagen also helps wounds heal better and faster.

Sulfur is also involved in the process of cellular respiration, which simply means it helps the cells use oxygen efficiently. A couple of major end results of this bodily function are improved cell activity and brain function.

Sulfur also helps the body rid itself of toxins which is why it's known as a detox agent. This is an important function because, over time, toxins can build up inside the body and cause the immune system to weaken. They can also create an overall feeling of lethargy or even impair the body's own built-in cleansing system, the kidneys and liver.

When you detoxify your body, you feel rejuvenated.

Sulfur has many valuable anti-aging properties and it helps relieve the symptoms associated with age-related conditions such as arthritis. Sulfur has been used to relieve the symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, hemorrhoids, dry scalp and acne. In fact, countless ointments, creams, lotions and other types of skin care products contain sulfur.

Sulfur also plays a key role in the metabolism of several important B vitamins including Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, and Biotin, also known as Vitamin H or Coenzyme R.

Sources of sulfur

Sulfur is found in all proteins, so, eating a diet rich in protein is one of the simplest and best ways to ensure the body gets an ample amount.

Some of the best sources of sulfur include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs and egg yolks, milk and legumes. Garlic, cabbage, brussels sprouts, onions, turnips, kale, lettuce, kelp, seaweed and some nuts also contain sulfur. Individuals following vegetarian or low-protein diets must beware and be sure to supplement their intakes of protein.

The general consensus on sulfur is that most people get all they need from simply eating proteins. Therefore, there are no recommended daily allowance guidelines for this mineral. Considering all the benefits derived from sulfur, it makes sense to make sure protein is part of every diet, regardless of age.

Sulfur Deficiency

Since most people get sufficient quantities of sulfur from their diets, instances of sulfur deficiencies are extremely rare. If they do occur, symptoms may include skin problems or disorders, muscle pain, nerve disorders, circulatory trouble, arthritis, inflammation, damages resulting from free radicals, stress, infection, constipation and wrinkles.

Sulfur Supplements

It is not really necessary for most individuals to take a supplement specifically for sulfur. It is so easily obtained in most cases that even the best daily multivitamin does not include it as an ingredient.

Dietary Minerals: Sulfur - Copyright 2023 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated 12:53 PM Thursday, July 27, 2023