Why Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Work, and Top 5 Ways to Stronger Bones With a Living Foods

By Linda Loo

Ladies, if you wish to stay beautiful & attractive regardless of age, having strong bones is a must! Our bones hold up the entire structure of our body, give us good posture, and determine the amount of physical activity we can withstand.

First of all, if you are taking drugs that claim to treat osteoporosis, be aware that these drugs not only cause a toxic overload in the long run, they also poison our bones, and the result of that is a loss in an ability to make new strong bones.

According to Dr. Al Sears (MD & Editor of New England Health Advisory), some drugs that are supposed to treat weak bones for eg. Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, Actonel, have been proven to cause bone breaks in women.

In a study, 65% of women on long-term medication continue to have bone fractures in the same areas, and what's worse is that the fractures took longer to heal!

Ready for some really Natural & Easy Ways to Grow Strong Bones now?

1) Get into the Sun for at least 15 min everyday

We need Vitamin D to make healthy bones, and prevent fractures. There is simply no substitute for good old sunlight - Vitamin D from the Sun is in a format, which our body can recognize, ie. we can directly absorb and utilize it.

Any other supplements or pills are like poor imitations, with unrecognizable formats to our bodies. Why settle for second best when we can get into the Sun anytime and enjoy the real thing?

If you are vegan, you can also include Mushrooms into your diet - Mushrooms are a special kind of organism that grows without Sunlight, as they already have Vitamin D in them. Consuming them also contributes to our Vitamin D intake.

2) Vitamin K vs Calcium

Many people still believe in the Milk & Dairy Myth; we think that Milk contains Calcium and we drink that to give us strong bones. We have discussed on the "Milk & Dairy Myth" about 2 years ago, and you may refer to the article in the archives for more clarity.

So even if we are out of the Milk Myth, many of us still think that Calcium is the most important element in healthy bones. Actually, Calcium is abundantly present in various Living Foods - most dark leafy greens have plenty of Calcium, Sesame Seeds are Calcium Superheroes too. In fact, if we eat a high raw diet with lots of Green Smoothies and Salads, it is impossible suffer from Calcium deficiency.

The question to ask is whether our body can absorb and use dietary Calcium or not. For Calcium to be absorbed, our body needs Vitamin K.

Where does Vitamin K come from?

Again, green leafy vegetables.

So now it is not easy to see why people who switched to a Living Foods diet with Green Smoothies as their base food, grow younger, fitter, and stronger!

3) Maintaining Optimal Hormonal Balance

Sex hormones like Progesterone & Estrogen help in the absorption of Calcium too. The number one reason why women are more prone to bone fractures than men is because women go through stages in life where their hormones fluctuate - Ovulation, Child Birth, Menopause.

Returning the hormones back to natural balance is essential to ensure that the woman continues to absorb Calcium and is therefore able to make strong bones.

Eating more sea-vegetables, eating dark chocolate, Goji Berries and Maca, can help restore hormonal imbalances.

Oh, and did we mention to fall in love? Go ahead and fall in love, over and over again, with your spouse/partner/dog/hamster or that hottie (male or female doesn't matter as long as you like it ☺); give love and receive love everyday.

When we fall in love we produce happy hormones, which come from the sex hormones - and what better way to feel in love, feel happy, and make strong bones at the same time!

4) Aim for a diet rich in Amino Acids

The more simpler the molecules of protein, the easier it is for the body to absorb and make use of it. The simplest form of protein is Amino Acids; we don't really need protein anyway, we can't do anything with it. If we eat protein we have to go an extra mile to break them down into second-hand Amino Acids before we can use them. Why go through the trouble when we have first class Amino Acids from Living Foods?

Some foods, which are high in Amino Acids include Alfalfa Sprouts, Sunflower Sprouts, Sprouted Pumpkin/Sunflower Seeds, Goji Berries, Hemp Seeds, and Marine Plankton (a Biggie in the world of Superfoods!)

5) Take up some Weight Bearing Exercise

Instead of hard-core Cardio, opt for resistance training like swimming, powerwalking, stairs-climbing, Pilates and Yoga!

Yoga is a superb way of staying in beautiful shape, anti-age, building strong bones and strengthening the mind at the same time. In Yoga, you use your own body weight as the resistance to train the muscles, and you have a low risk of injury because you are constantly aware of your own body, as well as virtually zero muscle tension (provided the class is structured well) because of the powerful stretching.

It is like having your delicious cake delivered to you, perfectly wrapped up, eat it and lose weight too!

Copyright Linda Loo
Light Love Laughter Pte Ltd

Linda has always been passionate about the Science of Nutrition for beauty, weight-loss, energy & longevity. She is also a successful Raw Foodist, Certified Living Foods Coach/Speaker/Trainer, Yoga Master; and is ever so delighted to share this gift of knowledge with fellow health enthusiasts! Visit [http://www.rawfoodlifestyles.com/] and opt in to our mailing list for more free juicy information on how you can eat your way to a flawless complexion, a sexy body, AND abundant energy now!

Article Source: Why Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Work, and Top 5 Ways to Stronger Bones With a Living Foods Diet

Shaklee Vita-D3® High potency vitamin D3
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Why Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Work, and Top 5 Ways to Stronger Bones With Living Foods
Page Updated October 4, 2024
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