Minimize the Effects of Diabetes
There are some pretty effective medical means for the diabetic these days, but, there are also steps you can take to minimize the effects of diabetes.

Ways to Minimize the Effects of Diabetes
By Donovan Baldwin

When we begin to discuss how to take control of and manage diabetes, we face two main categories of problem: Short term and long term negative effects. Minimizine either or both requires discipline.

One of the major problems in either instance is the reality that rapid spikes or dips in blood glucose level can result in several unpleasant effects. The diabetes sufferer may induce dizziness, disorientation, muscle weakness, nausea and other ill effects. For some diabetics, it's going to be very difficult to prevent this from happening at all times, but there are practices that can improve the odds of staying in control.

To accomplish management of blood sugar, and thus control the blood sugar spikes which cause so much trouble, regular and careful monitoring is a must. While it's definitely not a picnic to endure a finger prick three times a day, it is pretty much a do-or-die issue. For those who simply can't muster the will to stick themselves, it may be worthwhile to look into some of the newer glucose monitors that don't require as much blood and/or cause less pain.

A good example of these is the FreeStyle Freedom Lite Blood Glucose Monitor.

There are other glucose monitors which contain tiny, powerful lasers that create an extremely small hole through which blood oozes. Most report they feel no real pain, only a mild tingling sensation. One recent device can even sense glucose level through the skin by means of an infrared beam. This, of course, means that no blood sample is required at all.

The goal of someone wishing to manage their blood sugar, and thus better control their diabetes, is to keep the glucose-insulin balance as close to normal levels as possible. Non-diabetic individuals normally have a fasting glucose level under about 99 mg/dL. For them, even after a heavy meal, when glucose may rise to over 200 mg/dL, insulin is released which brings blood sugar levels down to normal or near normal within a couple of hours. That means that keeping the glucose level right isn't so much achieving a static number as maintaining the correct dynamic, or moving balance.

This is similar to blood pressure testing where one test does not mean nearly as much as a series of tests taken over time.

An important part of any long-term glucose monitoring strategy should include regular physician visits with a quarterly A1C test. Several tests exist to measure blood glucose level at a given time. The A1C test, one of the most important, provides a picture averaged over a period of months. The name comes from HbA1c, which is simply an abbreviation for glycated hemoglobin.

It is the function of hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells to carry oxygen to tissues. Extra glucose in the bloodstream of a diabetic causes that hemoglobin to get glycated, or, in simple terms, interferred with. That effect persists and allows an A1C test to measure the accumulated result.

Over the long term, say 10 to 15 years, the effects will accumulate, for good or for bad, but usually bad. In the past many diabetes patients in such a long term situation would face blindness, kidney damage, nerve damage and several other ill health effects. Today, this no longer has to be the case. With our contemporary understanding of the disease, and the modern technology and medical interventions, it's possible to reduce the odds of those effects nearly to those of someone without the disease.

In addition to techology and medical tactics, the after effects of diabetes can be minimized by strategy. Simple lifestyle choices are often quite effective in preventing diabetes in those who do not have it, and helping manage diabetes in those who do.

As is often the case with so many health issues, exercise and diet are two key elements for the overwhelming majority of diabetes sufferers to help achieve the right glucose-insulin balance.

Using proper diet and regular moderate exercise will help at almost any point in the process, in addition to producing a healthier body as well. Excess body fat plays a major role in how the body reacts to elevated glucose levels, as well as having positive effects on hormone production and release. While the mechanisms are still being investigated at many institutions around the world, many completed studies show there is a clear correlation between body fat and the severity of diabetes effects.

Control body fat to help control diabetes.

Synergistically, maintaining proper weight and body fat levels will also help keep blood pressure at healthy levels. Chronic high blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the major elements in increasing the risk of several common diabetes problems, including heart attack, stroke, eye and nerve damage, and other problems.

With attention to the appropriate details, diet, exercise, and blood pressure monitoring, a diabetic can lead a normal life, one very much like those fortunate enough not to have the condition. A little attention paid to the problem a few times a day can lead to not having to pay too much attention at all.


Ways to Minimize the Effects of Diabetes
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