Maintenance Diet and Conclusions - Diet and Health - Page 13
Chapter 12
(Webmaster's Note: In which our lady author, and doctor, from 1918 reaches some and provides information about a maintenance diet.)
THE HEAVY circle (WN: Not included in this offering.) represents the amount of daily food (number of calories) which will maintain you at present weight. It may be your weight is too much or too little, but this is your maintenance diet for that weight.
THE SECOND circle (WN: Also not included.) represents a daily diet containing more than necessary for maintenance; for example, let us say 1000 calories more. This 1000 calories of food is equivalent to approximately ounces of fat [1000÷255 (1 oz. fat = 255 C.)]; 4 ounces of fat daily equals 8 pounds a month which will be added to your weight, and, if not needed by the system, will deposit itself as excess fat.
Or the toxins arising from the unnecessary food will irritate the blood vessels, causing arterio-sclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which in
turn may cause kidney disease, heart disease, or apoplexy (rupture of artery in the brain), and maybe death before your time.
On the other hand, if you are underweight and the added nourishment is
gradually worked up to, it will improve the health and cause a gain of
so much (theoretically, and in reality if kept up long enough).
THE THIRD circle (WN: Not here!) represents a diet containing less than
the maintenance; again, for example, say 1000 calories less. Here the
1000 calories must be taken from the body tissue, and fat is the first to go,
for fat is virtually dead tissue.
Note: Actually lean muscle tissue may be tapped, thus
the body of a small furnace which burns calories when you
at rest. Check out this page on metabolism.
this was
in 1918.)
This 4 ounces of fat daily which will be supplied by your body equals in six months 48 pounds.
There are in America hundreds of thousands of overweight individuals; not all so much overweight as this, but some considerably more so. If these individuals will save 1000 calories of food daily by using their stored fat, think what it would mean at this time.
Not only an immense saving of food to be sent to our soldiers and allies and the starving civilians, and of money which could be used for Liberty
Bonds, the Red Cross, and other war relief work, but a great saving and a great increase in power; for there is no doubt that by reducing as
slowly and scientifically as I have directed, efficiency and health will be increased a hundred fold.
If, as illustrated in the third circle, the 1000 calories or less is
eaten and the individual already is underweight, with no excess fat,
then this amount will be taken from the muscles and the more vital
tissues, and the organism will finally succumb. Before this time is
reached there will be a great lowering of resistance, and the individual
will be a prey to the infectious diseases.
It must be remembered that in children the growth of the whole body is tremendously active, and especially that of the heart and nervous system.
If the nervous system is undernourished, it becomes disorganized and
undeveloped. This is apt to be expressed in uncertain emotional states,
quick tempers, and a predisposition to convulsions. The heart, if
undernourished, lays its foundation for future heart disease, and the
whole system will be injured for life.
Anything that impairs the vigor and vitality of children strikes at the basis of national welfare.
The Food Administration Emphasizes This
You can see from this how extremely important it is that, in our need for the conservation of food, only those who can deny themselves and at the same time improve their health and efficiently should do it. It will be no help in our crisis if the health and resistance of our people be lowered and the growth and development of our children be stunted.
We, the hundreds of thousands of overweight citizens, combined with the hundreds of thousands of the normal who are overeating to their ill, can save all the food that is necessary. We are anxious, willing, eager to do this. Now we know how, and we will.
Food Will Win the War
P. S. If you want to learn more about why Diets Don't Work,
please click here.
If you want to learn about a great diet book, take a look at nodiet4me.com/diet_book.
Diet and Health Book - Page 13 - Maintenance Diet and Conclusions
Web Page Copyright 2021 by Donovan Baldwin Page Updated 11:51 AM Tuesday, December 14, 2021