Fundamental Principles of Yoga

principles of yoga

Fundamental Principles of Yoga

Wai Lana yoga DVD's and suppliesFor most who give it a try, even the mildest, basic yoga poses of Hatha yoga, the most common form done in the U.S., can cause a series of incredible, and often unsuspected, benefits. However, in order to get to the higher rewards possible from a regular practice of yoga, there are some fundamental principles of yoga that any yogi, or yogini, has to respect.

Most of these fundamentals are related to a few particular areas, including, but not restricted to, proper yoga relaxation techniques, the right manner of breathing (see yoga breathing), the diet practitioners of yoga should follow and, last, but not least, to positive thought and the goal of yoga meditation.

As a rule, all principles of Hatha yoga are based on the important foundations of self-discipline, self-control, self-determination and focus. These are considered the most relevant ways of achieving the desired level of attainment attainable by following yoga ideology.

In the beginning, when first stepping upon the yoga pathway, the uninitiated yogi might feel overwhelmed due to the richness and depth found within the philosophy and practice of yoga. There is, however, a series of basic principles of yoga, which can help beginning yoga practitioners understand this ideology and achieve more by following its precepts.

Here are some of the fundamental principles of this wonderfully invigorating, calming, and balancing philosophically physical practice:

  • Mastering, or beginning to master, the art of total relaxation of body and mind, is required in order to revitalize your nervous system, achieve inner peace and feel relaxed and refreshed.

  • It is a fact that your body was designed to move and exercise, which is why, by correctly practicing the appropriate yoga exercises, including stretching and toning your muscles, you can increase the flexibility of your joints and spine and also contribute to improving your circulation.

  • It is crucial to learn how to breathe correctly when performing the yoga movements, so that you achieve the desired states of harmony and purification. Rhythmic full breathing, using the lungs entirely, in order to increase the quantity of oxygen you take, is the most desired condition. Yoga breathing has the purpose of relaxing your mind and increasing your energy level.

  • Yogis have long been convinced, and modern research seems to bear them out, that what we eat can strongly affect our spiritual awareness. This is why, when practicing yoga, it is recommended to mind your diet, in addition to breath, attitude, and other things. There is no doubt that what we eat can nourish both our body and soul. As a consequence, a balanced diet, based on natural products, is the number one option for the yoga beginner and expert alike. Proper eating not only involves the things you eat, but it also involves eating moderately and only to ease hunger and maintain health.

  • Yoga, like many other philosophical disciplines, is also based on the idea that what we think strongly affects our way of living. As a result, it is always recommended to meditate on and pursue positive ideas and goals, while eliminating negative thoughts as much as is possible.

Yoga supplies from GaiamiconSimply put, it is vital to learn, understand and always be aware of the above mentioned principles in order to get the most out of your yoga practice.

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What Are The Fundamental Principles of Yoga?
Page Updated 5:51 PM Friday 27 April 2018