Yoga for Men

Yoga for men for power and strength.

Yoga for Men

Wai Lana yoga DVD's and suppliesPeople from all social and age groups can enjoy yoga as a hobby or even more intently as a life style. Yoga practitioners have studied the physical and psychological differences between men and women for a long time. In general, men are generally less emotional than women and they often suppress their emotions. Unfortunately, this male tendency can lead to stress and, ultimately, to an increased risk of heart problems.

Men tend to have more physical strength than women, and this is acknowledged by most dedicated yoga practices. This is why in yoga for men, some of the poses involve more muscle power and stamina. Many male yoga practitioners have found that a combination of yoga and weight training (see weight lifting) can provide them with the necessary vitality and positive thinking. In many cases, the balance between mind and body is broken by different adverse outside factors such as stress, pressure, social problems and so on. The close link between body and spirit can be often seen in such cases: if the spirit is defeated, the body will soon get ill and weakened.

This is why the more physical methods of yoga are more often recommended for men to practice as opposed to those more intended for flexibility.

Society imposes certain standards - and staying fit and looking good are just a couple of them. In order to have self-confidence and self-respect you need to take care of your body properly. Some of the yoga poses you will read about later on in this article are great for keeping the body in excellent physical condition, especially when a balanced and nutritious diet is considered. Needless to say that, as with many other forms of exercise, physical yoga training greatly reduces the chances of various illnesses such as high blood pressure, and heart attacks and osteoporosis.

Yoga supplies from GaiamiconYoga also favors meditation and relaxation as some of its most efficient methods of defending oneself against stress. Half an hour of stretching your muscles, and deep, yoga breathing can bring just about any yoga practitioner into a state of peace and relaxation that gives both mind and body the chance to replenish their energy.

Special yoga poses such as the Head Stand are excellent for aiding circulation and allowing the heart rate to drop. This kind of position also "forces" you to breathe deeply, thus improving brain oxygenation. Another similar pose would be the Shoulder Stand, which enhances the positive effects of breathing by increasing the lung's capacity to process oxygen. Both these poses are beneficial to the spine as well, as they allow it to stretch and relax at the same time. The Plow pose may also be used in order to strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles. Savasana, also known as the Corpse pose, is excellent for relaxing the body between asanas.

The poses mentioned above need to be accompanied by some special breathing techniques. The Anuloma Viloma technique balances the prana levels in the organism and is recommended for use during physical exercises. The Ujjayi breathing method clears the nasal passages and throat of phlegm and allows for a better air circulation. This technique also works well for improving the responses of the nervous system.

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Web Page Copyright 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
Yoga for Men for Power and Strength
Page Updated 9:54 AM Thursday, March 7, 2024