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Barbell and Bodyweight Complexes for Rapid Fat Loss Training
By Nick Nilsson

If you're not familiar with 'Complexes' for fat loss, you're in for a treat...a very tough, very challenging (but, I think, a very fun) treat!

In weight training terms, 'complexes' simply means doing a series of exercises without releasing your grip on the bar or dumbbells, going from one exercise straight into the next without any break.

You might say that weight training complexes are a form of circuit training that actually gives you even LESS of a break than normal circuit training because you're using the same equipment for each exercise and you're transitioning instantly into the next exercise.

I've put together 4 great complexes that target all the major muscle groups in your body to maximize the metabolic effects of the training.

These complexes are bodyweight exercises combined with barbell exercises to really cover more bases.

You will find that they are really powerful for kicking up the metabolism for fat-loss purposes. You're not going to build much strength or muscle with them but the sheer amount of muscle mass used in these complexes makes them ideal for fat burningand boosting the metabolism.

Just an fyi...if you simply cannot do straight bar dips, sub in push-ups on the bar instead. And if you can't do pull-up rows with your feet off the ground, set your feet on the ground. You'll see what I mean about these adjustments when you actually see the complexes performed.

They're an incredibly effective way to get a FAST fat-loss workout done.

Complex #1

Set the bar in the power rack at about stomach level. Load it with a light to moderate weight (you'll be able to judge your weight better when you see the exercises being used for it).

Straight Bar Dips - this is a bodyweight dip done with your hands set on the barbell.

Now swing yourself down UNDER the bar (preferably without letting your feet touch the ground) and do Pull-Up Rows.

Set your feet down on the floor and change your grip to set up Front Squats.

Duck your head under the bar to get it on your back for Back Squats.

Set your feet out WAY wide so that the forefoot area is actually up on the side rails of the rack and only your heels are on the ground. This is a GREAT glute and hamstring version of the squat (you could call it a sumo squat, like the sumo stance deadlift). The front squat hits the quads more so this aims to focus on glutes and hams.

Bring your feet in and do standing calf raises (half range from flat on the floor to up on your toes and hold).

That's it! This video will show you the transitions between exercises best.

Complex #2

The first two exercises of this complex are the same as first. Set a lighter weight on the bar, though, because you'll be doing shoulder presses after the pull-up rows.

So start with the straight bar dips then swing down under the bar for pull-up rows. Next, swing your legs around and kneel down for barbell shoulder press. Get your feet back under you and do squats with the bar in the bottom position of the shoulder press .

That's it!

Complex #3

Start with the straight bar dip again then to feet on the ground pull-up rows.

Next, got to kneeling barbell shoulder press then to front squats then back squats.

That's it for #3! This one is a bit easier to perform, especially with the leg exercises - the lighter weight used in the shoulder press means you'll need to do more reps for the leg part.

Complex #4

The first exercise is On-barbell push-ups. I usually hook my legs on another bar, but it's not necessary. I just wanted to see if it would work any differently. It does work well, but standard style push-ups will be just fine here, too.

Set your feet down then go to Barbell Rows. Next it's Stiff-Legged Deadlifts.

That's it for #4! Definitely use your imagination and use these as a jumping-off point to come up with your own complexes.

RECOMMENDED: to best understand how to perform and get the most out of these complexes , I HIGHLY recommend checking out the pictures and video of them in action...click here to see them now!

If fast fat loss is your goal, I would definitely recommend checking out my program "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss". It's a targeted "done-for-you" 36-day rapid fat loss program that helps you KEEP and even BUILD muscle at the same time, reshaping your body quickly and efficiently.

Nick Nilsson has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and hasbeen innovating new training techniques for more than 20 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding books including "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!", "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass", "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of", all designed to maximize the results you get for the hard work you put into your training.

Web Page Copyright 2022 by Donovan Baldwin
Weight Lifting Articles
Barbell and Bodyweight Complexes for Rapid Fat Loss
Page Updated 2:32 PM Thursday, December 22, 2022