Supplements To Help Manage Stress
By Donovan Baldwin

While stress may be here to stay as part of modern life, there are many things you can do to manage stress, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, rest and recreation, etc. One often overlooked method is using supplements to help manage stress.

Let's face it, stress is a constant factor for many of us these days. From the daily news from around the world, to the small, seemingly insignificant frustations of the day, stress is all around us and, experts agree, is cumulative.

Experts also agree that stress is one of the worst risk factors for a multitude of mental and physical illnesses and conditions. Stress can not only cause its own range of symptoms; poor sleep, physical pain, weight gain, high blood pressure, etc., chronic stress can also be a contributing risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, depression, and a multitude of other health issues.

In addition to these long term health issues as a result of stress, it's just no fun living with it minute by minute, day by day. So, it's no surprise that people are seeking ways to avoid or manage stress.

Avoiding stress is difficult. It's all around us. Not always much the average person can do to avoid stress. Unless you've got a lot of money, excellent health, and live on a private island with only the people you love around you... well...

So, let's look at what we can do to manage stress.

Of course, when it comes to managing stress, there's the old standbys... exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. Kind of mixed up in there are disciplines such as yoga and meditation.

And, that sleep thing? Well, stress affects sleep negatively, but, sleep can affect stress positively, but, how do you stop the hamster wheel that's turning in the wrong direction and get it going they right way?

One method of managing stress is through the use of supplements... primarily vitamins and minerals, but a few herbal supplements as well.

First of all, anything we do to make the body healthier, function better, is going to help us manage stress and manage the results of stress. So, simply taking a daily multivitamin supplement with minerals is a good step to start with. But, what do those various vitamins and minerals actually do to help manage stress?

One of the first "vitamins" to go to for stress management is the B Complex.

Now, the B Complex includes several different B vitamins. So, is there one of those which is "better". Well, they all contribute, and it is just as easy to get the entire B complex as it is to get the individual vitamins.

Keep in mind that the B vitamin complex does not do much TOO the stress. These vitamins DO, however, help manage what stress does to the body and mind, helping prevent and control the negative effects of stress... especially long term stress, on body and mind.

The B Complex vitamins are excellent for brain health, nervous system health, improve mood and energy, and can aid in preventing several physical health issues, including heart disease, dementia and colorectal cancer.

Many other vitamins, Vitamin A, C, and E, are antioxidants, which fight the effects of aging, thus counteracting the deleterious effects of stress. Selenium is a mineral which also fits into the antioxidant category, helping remove toxins from the body.


Additionally, the mineral magnesium can actually lower stress levels and response. The sleep hormone, melatonin, can help your body achieve a rest and digest level which shifts the body and its functions away from the effects of stress.

Bottom line is that an overall healthy lifestyle including regular, moderate exercise, appropriate rest and sleep, and proper nutrition can go a long way towards assisting in stress management. Other disciplines, such as yoga and meditation can also help reduce stress. It can also help to take a daily multivitamin and perhaps add some of the other stress reducing supplements mentioned here.



Supplements To Help Manage Stress
Page Updated 10:59 AM Friday, May 27, 2022
Web Page Copyright 2022 by Donovan Baldwin