Airborne Commando, World Jiujitsu Champion Alberto Gallazzi. Massive Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Conditioning Inferno Program Using Bodyweight Bars. Proven By Special Agents, Mma Fighters, And Special Operations Units

Tactical Fitness Survival Bodyweight Exercise System & workout, the flow, martial arts, training
Airborne Commando, World Jiujitsu Champion Alberto Gallazzi. Massive Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Conditioning Inferno Program Using Bodyweight Bars. Proven By Special Agents, Mma Fighters, And Special Operations Units

Neuroscientist and TED keynote speaker Daniel Wolpert, Ph.D. asserts, “our brains evolved for one reason, and one reason only: to produce adaptable and complex movement.” All activities, from feelings to thoughts to communication are physical actions designed to drive or suppress future movements.


Therefore, exercising with “adaptable and complex movements” becomes a compelling, rational argument for an evolutionary approach to fitness. As we were genetically designed for our Paleo hunting and gathering, our brains evolved specifically to enable the adaptable and complex movements which we find in our ancient and modern martial arts, as well as through tribal dance expressions such as b-boy breakdance and urban “locomotive” disciplines like Parkour.

Stated further...

Allow me to state this concept simply as this: how we were designed to survive is precisely how we have evolved to thrive. If you want to excel in your fitness, you must tap deep into your genetic makeup, into the “symbols” as Joseph Campbell describes, or the “archetypes” of Jungian psychology.

And so...

“Tactical” fitness, or “movement which derives from and supports our primal heritage” allows you to: Move to Survive so you become Fit to Thrive.

Airborne Commando, World Jiujitsu Champion Alberto Gallazzi. Massive Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Conditioning Inferno Program Using Bodyweight Bars. Proven By Special Agents, Mma Fighters, And Special Operations Units

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Tactical Fitness Survival Bodyweight Exercise System

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Tactical Fitness Survival Bodyweight Exercise System Copyright 2018 Donovan Baldwin
Martial Arts
Page Updated 7:23 PM Sunday 5 August 2018