Diet and Health More Keys More Calories - Page 5

Chapter 4

List of Foods to Follow

The following list probably does not contain all of the foods you might like and want to know about, but from those named you can judge of the food value of others. In general, the caloric value, and therefore the fattening value, depends upon the amount of fat and the degree of concentration.


But remember this point: 'Any food eaten beyond what your system requires for its energy, growth, and repair, is fattening, or is an irritant, or both'.

A Moderate Sized Chocolate Cream

If a food contains much fat, you will know that it is high in food value, for fat has two and one-quarter times the caloric value that proteins and carbohydrates have. Dry foods are high in value, for they are concentrated and contain little water. Compare the quantity of two heaping teaspoonfuls of sugar, a concentrated food, and one and one-half pounds of lettuce, a watery vegetable, each having the same caloric value. A moderate sized chocolate cream is not only concentrated but has considerable fat in the chocolate.

Enuf Sed

It is not necessary to know accurately the caloric values. In fact, authorities differ in some of their computations. The list is not mathematically correct, but it will give you a good idea of the relative values, and is accurate enough for our purposes. I have purposely given round numbers, where possible, in order to make them more easily remembered.

In reckoning made dishes, such as puddings and sauces, you must compute the different ingredients approximately. About how much sugar it has, how much fat to the dish, and so on. In reckoning any food, if you are reducing, give it the benefit of the doubt on the high count; and if trying to gain, count it low.

It is well, if you are much overweight or underweight, to have some of these foods that are given weighed, so that you can judge approximately what your servings will total.

A Mixture

A mixture of foods should be used, in order to get the different elements which are necessary for the human machine. It is not wholesome to have many foods at a meal; but the menu should be varied from day to day.

Any regimen which does not allow some carbohydrates and fats for the fuel foods is injurious if persisted in for a length of time.

Thoroughly Masticate Everything

As to harmful combinations; there are not many, and if your food is thoroughly masticated you need not concern yourself very much about them. However, if you find a food disagrees with you, or that certain combinations disagree, do not try to use them. Underweight individuals sometimes have to train their digestive tracts for some of the foods they need.

Coffee, tea and other mild stimulants are not harmful to the majority; but, like everything else, in excess they will cause ill health. Alcoholic drinks make the fat fatter and the thin thinner, and both more feeble mentally.

I Love Her

I hope I have stimulated you to an interest in dietetics. There are many books which go into the subject much more deeply. I recommend, especially, "The Home Dietitian," written by my beloved colleague and classmate, Dr. Belle Wood-Comstock.

Others I have read that are especially suitable for the home are "Feeding the Family," by Mary Schwartz Rose, and "Dietary Computer," by Pope. There are doubtless many other good ones. The Department of Agriculture publishes free bulletins on the subject. Farmers' Bulletin No. 142, by Atwater, is very comprehensive.

Other authorities I have consulted are Lusk, Friedenwald and Ruhräh, Gautier, Sherman, Buttner, Locke and Von Noorden.

Measuring Table

     1 teaspoon (tsp.) fluid           1/6 oz.
     1 dessertspoon (tsp.)             1/3 oz.
     1 tablespoon (tbsp.)              1/2 oz.
     1 ordinary cup                      8 oz.
     1 ordinary glass                    8 oz.
     Average helping                     a.h.

One Hundred Calorie Portions and Average Helpings

(Approximate Measures)



     Beefsteak, lean round..............2 oz. 100 C.
       A.h....... 3-1/2 oz., 185 C.
     Beefsteak, tenderloin..............1 oz. 100 C.
       A.h.................. 285 C.
     Beef, roast, very lean.............3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h.................. 150 C.

     Chicken, roast..................1-2/3oz. 100 C.
       1 slice.............. 180 C.
     Frankfurters, 1 sausage............1 oz. 100 C.
     Chops, lamb or mutton..........1-1/2 oz. 100 C.
       Average chops.... 150-300 C.

       Bacon, crisp...................1/2 oz. 100 C.
         1 small slice, crisp 25 C.
       Chop.........................1-1/2 oz. 100 C.
         Medium..........160-300 C.
       Ham, boiled..................1-1/3 oz. 100 C.
         A.h..........3 oz., 250 C.
       Ham, fried.....................3/4 oz. 100 C.
         A.h..........3 oz., 400 C.
       Sausage..........................1 oz. 100 C.
         1 small, crisp.......60 C.
     Turkey.........................1-1/3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h........3-1/3 oz., 260 C.

Fish Boiled or Broiled


     Fish, Lean, Cod, Halibut...........3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h........... 4 oz., 135 C.
     Fish, fat, salmon, sardines ...1 1/2 oz. 100 C.
       A.h........... 4 oz., 260 C.
     Lobster............................4 oz. 100 C.
       A.h.................. 100 C.
     Oysters.......................... 12     100 C.
       1 oyster............... 8 C.
     Clams, long....................... 8     100 C.
       1 clam................ 12 C.


     Cream soups, average...............3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h........... 4 oz., 125 C.
     Consommés, no fat.................30 oz. 100 C.
       A.h........... 4 oz.,  15 C.


     Butter, 1 level tbsp. scant .... 1/2 oz. 100 C.
       1 ball............... 120 C.
     Cheese (American, Roquefort,
       Swiss, etc.)..... 1-1/8 cu. in 3/4 oz. 100 C.
     Cottage Cheese.................... 3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h.................. 100 C.
     Whole Milk........................ 5 oz. 100 C.
       1 glass.............. 160 C.
     Skim Milk........................ 10 oz. 100 C.
       1 glass............... 80 C.
     Malted Milk (dry).............1 h. tbsp. 100 C.
     Buttermilk, natural.............. 10 oz. 100 C.
       1 glass............... 80 C.
     Koumiss........................... 6 oz. 100 C.
       1 glass.............. 130 C.
     Condensed, unsweetened............ 2 oz. 100 C.
       1 tbsp................ 35 C.
     Condensed, sweetened,  1-1/4 tbsp....... 100 C.
     Cream, average.................1-1/3 oz. 100 C.
       1 tbsp................ 50 C.
     Cream, whipped................ 1-1/3 oz. 100 C.
       1 h. tbsp............ 100 C.
     Eggs, 1 large..................... 1     100 C.
       Average egg........... 80 C.
       Boiled or poached; if fried, C. depend upon
         fat adhering.


When not otherwise indicated, the method of cooking is by boiling. The
caloric value of sauces served with them not included.

     Asparagus, large stalks........... 20    100 C.
       1 stalk................ 5 C.
     Beets........................... 1 lb.   100 C.
       2 h. tbsp............. 30 C.
     Beans, Baked, home.............1-1/2 oz. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............ 300 C.
     Beans, Baked, canned...........2-1/2 oz. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............ 150 C.
     Beans, Lima....................... 3 oz. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............ 130 C.
     Beans, String..................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       2 h. tbsp............. 15 C.
     Cabbage....................... 1-1/2 lb. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............. 10 C.
     Carrots........................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............. 20 C.
     Cauliflower....................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       3 h. tbsp............. 20 C.
     Celery, uncooked.................. 1 lb. 100 C.
       6 stalks.............. 15 C.
     Corn, canned.................. 3-1/3 oz. 100 C.
       2 h. tbsp............ 100 C.
     Corn, green, 1 ear............ 3-1/3 oz. 100 C.
      Medium size.
     Cucumber...................... 1-1/2 lb. 100 C.
       10 to 12 thin slices.. 10 C.
     Lettuce....................... 1-1/2 lb. 100 C.
       A.h................. 5-10 C.
     Mushrooms......................... 8 oz. 100 C.
     Onions, 2 large................... 8 oz. 100 C.
     Parsnips.......................... 8 oz. 100 C.
       A.h............ 2 oz., 25 C.
     Peas, green....................... 3 oz. 100 C.
       A.h., 3 h. tbsp...... 100 C.
     Potatoes, sweet............... 1-1/2 oz. 100 C.
       1 medium............. 200 C.
     Potatoes, white................... 3 oz. 100 C.
       1 medium............. 100 C.
     Potato Chips......scant........... 1 oz. 100 C.
       A.h., 8-10 pieces.... 100 C.
     Radishes.......................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 6 red button.... 15 C.
     Spinach....................... 1-1/2 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 1/2 cup......... 25 C.
     Squash............................ 1 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 2h. tbsp........ 25 C.
     Tomatoes.......................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 1 large......... 50 C.
     Turnips........................... 1 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 2 h. tbsp....... 25 C.


     Apple............................. 7 oz. 100 C.
       1 average size......... 50 C.
     Banana............................ 5 oz. 100 C.
       1 small............... 100 C.
     Berries.............average....... 5 oz. 100 C.
       1 small cup........... 100 C.
     Cantaloupe........................ 1 lb. 100 C.
       A.h., 1/2 melon....... 100 C.
     Cherries.......................... 5 oz. 100 C.
       A.h., 1 small cup..... 100 C.
     Grapes............................ 5 oz. 100 C.
       A.h., 1 small bunch... 100 C.
     Lemons (5 oz. each)............... 2     100 C.
       They won't make you thin.
       Average size........... 30 C.
     Oranges (9 oz. each).............. 1     100 C.
     Peaches (5 oz. each).............. 2     100 C.
       Average size........... 50 C.
     Pears (6 oz. each)................ 1     100 C.
       Average size........... 90 C.
     Pineapple, fresh.................. 7 oz. 100 C.
       2 slices, 1 in. thick. 100 C.
     Plums, large..................... 3 or 4 100 C.
       1 plum................. 30 C.
     Watermelon.................... 1-1/2 lb. 100 C.
       Large slice............ 15 C.
     Dates (dry), large................   3-4 100 C.
       1 large................ 25 C.
     Figs (dry), large................. 1-1/2 100 C.
       1 large................ 65 C.
     Prunes (dry), large............... 3     100 C.
       1 large................ 35 C.
       Stewed, 4 medium, with
         4 tbsp. juice....... 200 C.


     Brown Bread, 1 slice, 3 in. in diam., 3/4 in. thick   100 C.
     Corn Bread, 3 x 2 x 3/4        1-1/2 oz.              100 C.
     Victory Bread, 1 slice, 3 x 4 x 1/2 in.               100 C.

White, gluten, rye, whole wheat, etc., practically same caloric value per same weight. There is so little difference between the caloric value of gluten bread and other breads that it is not necessary for reducing to try to get it. (Toasted bread has the same caloric value that it had before toasting. It is more easily digested, but just as fattening. Advised, however, because it makes you chew.)

     1 French or Vienna roll                             100 C.
     Zweiback                                   3/4 oz.  100 C.
       1 slice, 3-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 1/2 in., 35 C.
     Graham Crackers                             3       100 C.
       1 c., 3 in. sq.                   35 C.
     Oyster Crackers                            24       100 C.
     Soda Crackers                               4       100 C.
       1 c.                              25 C.
     Pretzels                                    5       100 C.
       1 p.                              20 C.


     Farina or Cream of Wheat         6 oz.    100 C.
       2 h. tbsp               60 C.
     Force                            1 oz.    100 C.
       5 h. tbsp               65 C.
     Grapenuts          scant         1 oz.    100 C.
       2 tbsp                 100 C.
     Griddle Cakes, 4-1/2 in. in diam.         100 C.
       A.h., 3 cakes          300 C.
       (This does not include butter and syrup, remember.)
     Hominy                           4 oz.    100 C.
       2 h. tbsp               85 C.
     Macaroni, plain                  4 oz.    100 C.
       2 h. tbsp               90 C.
     Macaroni and cheese (depends on amt. cheese)
       2 h. tbsp          200-300 C.
     Muffin, average                 3/4 m.    100 C.
       1 muffin               125 C.
     Oatmeal                          5 oz.    100 C.
       1 small cup            100 C.
     Puffed Rice                      1 oz.    100 C.
       5 h. tbsp               50 C.
     Popcorn                   (cups) 1-1/2    100 C.
       A.h. depends on butter added.
     Rice, boiled                     4 oz.    100 C.
       1/2 cup                100 C.
     Shredded Wheat Biscuit           1        100 C.
     Triscuits (_2_)                      100 C.
     Waffles                   scant 1/2 w.    100 C.
       1 waffle               225 C.


     Chocolate creams, medium.        1        100 C.
     Chocolate, 1 lb                          2880 C.
     Cherries, candied               10        100 C.
     Cup Custard, 1/3 cup                      100 C.
     Chocolate Nut Caramels
       1 x 1 x 4/5 in.                         100 C.
         Other candies, reckon sugar, nuts, etc.
     Cookies, plain, diam. 3 in.      2        100 C.
       1 cookie                50 C.
         If raisins or nuts in them, count extra.
     Doughnut                  scant 2/3       100 C.
       1 average size         160 C.
     Ginger-snap                      5        100 C.
       1 gingersnap            20 C.
     Honey                  h. tbsp.  1        100 C.
       Thick syrups approximately the same.
     Ladyfingers               scant  1 oz.    100 C.
       1 ladyfinger         35-50 C.
     Macaroons                              2     100 C.
       1 macaroon                  50 C.
     Pie with top crust, about 1/4
       ordinary slice, or 1-1/4 in.               100 C.
       A.h., 1/6 pie              350 C.
     Pie without top crust, 2 in.                 100 C.
       Custard, lemon, squash, etc.
       A.h., 1/6 pie.         250-300 C.
     Puddings, average               cup   1/4    100 C.
       A.h.                   200-350 C.
               Depends upon richness.
     Ice Cream                  h. tbsp.    1     100 C.
       A.h.                   200-350 C.
               Depends upon richness.
     Cakes                                1 oz.   100 C.
       A.h.                   200-350 C.
       Depends upon size, icing, fruit, nuts, etc.;
         compute approximately.
     Sugar                         cubes    3     100 C.
     Granulated                  h. tsp.    2     100 C.

Saccharine, a coal tar product 300 to 500 times sweeter than sugar, but of no food value. Not advisable to use habitually. Better learn to like things unsweetened--it can be done.


     Mayonnaise            m. tbsp.         1         100 C.
       A.h.                    200 C.
     Olive oil and other oils. dsp.         1         100 C.
     Olives, green or ripe                 6-8        100 C.
       1 olive               10-15 C.
     Tomato Catsup                         6 oz.      100 C.
       1 tbsp.                  10 C.
     Thick Gravies            tbsp.         3         100 C.


     Almonds, large                        10         100 C.
       1 almond                 10 C.
     Brazil, large                        2-1/2       100 C.
       1 Brazil nut             45 C.
     Chestnuts, small                      20         100 C.
       1 chestnut                5 C.
     Peanuts, large double                 10         100 C.
       1 bag               250-300 C.
     Pecans, large                          5         100 C.
       1 pecan                  20 C.
     Walnuts, large                       3-1/3       100 C.
       1 walnut                 30 C.
     Cocoanut, prepared                   1/2 oz.     100 C.
     Peanut Butter                       2-1/2 tsp.   100 C.

Key to Key

Remember This

If you will remember the following portions of food, you will have a standard by which to compute your servings:

     Lean Meat: a piece 3 x 2 x 1/2 (2 oz.)     100 C.
       Now if your serving of meat or fish is fat,
       mentally cut in two for same value. If very
       lean, you should add a little.
     White Bread: slice 3 x 4x 1/2              100 C.
       Compute other breads by this.
     Butter: 1 scant tablespoonful              100 C.
     Sugar: 1 heaping teaspoonful                50 C.
     Potatoes: 1 medium, boiled or baked.       100 C.
     Watery Vegetables: 1 helping             15-35 C.

If food is fried, or butter, oil, or cream sauces are added, the C.
value increases markedly.


1. Why is a mixture of foods necessary?

2. Give the caloric value of the following: 1 glass of milk, skim; buttermilk; 10 chocolate creams; 1 bag peanuts; 1 pat butter; 1 piece pie.

3. Name foods low in caloric value. Why are they valuable?

4. How many calories of bread and butter do you daily consume?

5. Reckon your usual caloric intake. How much of it is in excess of your needs?

6. Memorize caloric value of foods you are fond of.

This Table of Foods, With the C Given Per Oz. Will Help You

The caloric value of pure fat is 255 C per oz., dry starches and sugars (carbohydrates), and protein (the meat element), is 113. This means fats are 2-1/4 times more fattening than other foods. Most foods contain considerable water, so the following is an approximate table of foods 'as is.' I have given round numbers in the table so you can more easily remember them. 'Memorize it'.

                            Calories per oz.

     Fats                         255
     Nuts, edible part            200
     Sugar                        115
     Cream cheese                 110
     Cottage cheese (no fat)       30
     Breads                        75
     Lean meats                    50
     Lean fish                     35
     Eggs (per oz.)                40
     Milk, whole                   20
     Milk, skim and buttermilk
           (no fat)                10
     Milk, condensed, sweet       100
     Milk, condensed, unsweet.     50
     Cream, thin                   60
     Cream, thick                 110
     Fruits: Dried                100
       Sweet                       25
       Acid                        15
     Vegetables: Potatoes,
           plain (oz.)             30
       Cooked Legumes, (peas,
           beans, etc.)         20-35
       Watery and leafy          5-15


P. S. If you want to learn more about why Diets Don't Work, please click here.

If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great book to read is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto
Diet and Health - Page 5 - More Keys More Calories

Web Page Copyright 2021 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated 10:42 AM Tuesday, December 14, 2021