Easy Diet Tips to Help You Lose 10 Pounds
By Donovan Baldwin

Shaklee 180 weight lossOne thing about a "diet" is that it has to match your lifestyle. Trying to change your life to fit your diet is just going to make your desire to lose 10 pounds or more even harder to attain. However, you must remember that, even under the best circumstances, going on a diet is going to be a lifestyle change itself.

Weight loss, and a successful diet, are not passive things that just happen because we want them too. They are active processes arising out of your desire to lose weight, and you must be willing to make at least a few sacrifices, especially early on, in order to get you nearer to your goal of losing 10 pounds or more.

Lucky for you, that, although nothing about weight loss is always easy, there are a few simple diet makeover tips you can follow to help ease the transition...both into the program, and through your future in the program.

The following tips are not really diet routines, such as you often see in the supermarket checkout magazines, but rather a manner of gradually making changes to your eating habits until they are healthy and helping you lose weight. These few tips can help you design the perfect regimen for yourself as well as shorten the time it will take you to lose those extra 10 pounds.

Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time

Without a doubt, the first, and most important, part of transitioning into a healthy lifestyle is to plan your meals in advance. This can certainly be a daunting task, especially for those who have a busy lifestyle. You must remember, though, that this step is of maximum importance in helping you get familiar with, and accustomed to, the new eating habits.

Every week, in fact, every day, you must remember to plan your meals. For instance, before eating breakfast, you must set up your healthy meal plan the night before. Prepare or pack your food ahead of time to ensure that you get the right measurements required by your new diet. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack, plan ahead, and, if possible, set up everything you can in advance. As you continue with the diet, you will begin to understand how easy and beneficial it is to eat what you should eat if you plan each a meal beforehand.

Foods which contain higher levels of fiber are often good choices for weight loss.

Purge Your Fridge and Pantry of "Stuff" NOT on Your Diet

This is going to be one of the hardest sacrifices you have to make in order to lose those 10 pounds. Open up your fridge, and any other food storage and ruthlessly purge them of any unhealthy food. Throw out the ice cream, cake, chips, candies and everything else that is unhealthy. However, don't just do without! Replace them with healthier alternatives, like fresh fruit, whole wheat pretzels and crackers, breads and pastas.

On That Note: Stock Up Guilt-Free Snacks

Fortunately, the desire to stay fit and healthy which has gained in popularity over the last few decades has brought about the creation of guilt-free snacks that you can munch on without worrying of gaining extra pounds. This is extremely helpful if you still are having a hard time giving up your in-between meal sessions or fighting those nasty cravings.

Some of these healthier alternatives include almonds, dried fruits, sugar-free desserts and more. If you feel a need for meat, beef jerky can be a wonderful choice as it can provide large quantities of protein with very low fat. Even tried-and-true condiments now have organic counterparts, which are free of the chemicals sometimes attributed to weight gain.

You should also back off on beverages that pack a lot of calories. Instead of drinking carbonated sodas and commercially packed fruit juices, opt for healthier diet sodas and freshly squeezed juices. Also remember to add a sugar-free packet to your bottled water whenever you drink one. The best liquid is water, plain and simple.

Opt for White Meat Instead of Red

To lose weight without eliminating protein, you should choose white meat over red. Skinless chicken breasts are very lean and are high in top shelf protein, which is going to be essential in losing weight. Baking or grilling your chicken can increase their nutritional value while decreasing calories.

Finally, substitute fish (grilled or baked) for your pork or beef. Fish meat is healthier and contains high quality fatty acids that can help improve heart and other bodily functions. Whatever you choose, remember to include protein in your diet to create balance.

One last bit of advice: Only you can choose what you put in your mouth. Being an adult and choosing good foods in appropriate quantities over good foods in large quantities or bad foods at all, is the key to successful weight loss with any diet, whether you need to lose 10 pounds or 100.


Donovan Baldwin is a 73-year-old bodybuilder, freelance writer, optician, and Internet marketer currently living in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, area. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a past member of Mensa and has held several managerial and supervisory positions throughout his career. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, with 21 years of service, he became interested in Internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes original articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters.

He has an online store of various homeopathic and herbal health products which can be found at nodiet4me.com/health_products.


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P. S. If you want to learn about Why Diets Don't Work, please click here.

If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great book to read is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Easy Diet Tips to Help You Lose 10 Pounds
Page Updated 9:48 AM Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Web Page Copyright 2022 by Donovan Baldwin