2 Steps to Weight Loss

Start these 2 steps to weight loss today!

1. Make a Real Decision To Do Whatever it Takes to Lose Weight!

Well, you finally decided, again, that you need to lose weight, but is that ALL you need to do... decide? Of course not. It didn't work that way the last 17 times did it?

To be successful this time, you need to decide things in advance like how you are going to go about it, how long you will give a weight loss program to work, how much time you have to commit to it, how much difficulty you are going to tolerate, and so on.

Sadly, many people do not realize that to have a successful weight loss program, they have to decide to do whatever is necessary...for however long it takes...and stick with it.

That's the real decision...to keep at it until the job is done.

That's where so many people go wrong. Somewhere in the back of their minds, they assume that "the weight loss program", the "diet pill", or the "diet" itself is going to somehow lose weight for them!

Here's some news. Weight loss is like any other life changing decision.

Let me ask you a question. If you decided today to change careers to make a better life for yourself and your family, for example, which would be the wisest decision?

Should you go to the library and read a book on that new career and somehow try to get started, or should you go to the local university and take some courses on the subject?

If you decide to go to a university or community college, you are going to have to not only take a few courses but attend classes, do homework, take some tests and probably get a few wrong answers as well. But, after some time, you would acquire the knowledge you need to be successful, and make your way through the required steps to be able to interview for a job in the field you are interested in.

If you choose to take the do-it-yourself road, you are going to have to go back to the library, check out some more books, start studying, and perhaps even take some quizzes in those books, work out some problems, and...eventually...go out in the world and start trying to start your new career.

Whatever choice you take, whether you are going from being a housewife to becoming an accountant, from being an accountant to becoming a sales professional...or if you are beginning a weight loss, health, or fitness program, achieving the final result you truly desire will take time and effort. If you are choosing to do this yourself, you are possibly going to make several mistakes along the way which will delay achieving your goal.

However, if you keep working at it, you will get there eventually.

If you study on your own, will you eventually become a Certified Public Accountant? Possibly not, but,in the long run, it depends on your dedication and ability to persevere.

It will be the same with weight loss...or becoming a millionaire. You might not wind up looking like a bodybuilder or fashion model, or being the richest person on the planet, but you can certainly lose weight and get healthy, or amass a small fortune, but it will not happen overnight, so you must be completely prepared to make the effort and allow for the time required.

Anything less is simply preparing for failure.

2. Start Today!

There are really just two major factors involved in weight loss.

All kinds of studies have shown this simple fact time and again. Even the manufacturers of all those weight loss products and diet pills, as well as the doctors who perform weight loss surgery, admit that their products or plans will not work anywhere near as well without these factors.

Quite simply, the two factors are activity (exercise) and nutrition.

To lose weight most effectively, you will eventually have to modify your present lifestyle in such a way that you are getting a lot more exercise than you are now, and you will have to eat a lot differently than you do now. As pointed out earlier, to be successful, you will have to take the time and make the effort to learn how to do these things, AND you will STILL have to make that decision we mentioned earlier and stick with it!


As with so many things that are new to us, at first, you will perhaps know very little about what you should be doing and how to do it most efficiently and effectively. To tell the truth, a great many people try to do too much too soon, and expect to get too much too soon. As a result, they either overextend themselves, sometimes to the point of physical injury, or they give up because they don't get the results they thought they would get!

First of all, don't be disheartened if the weight does not disappear overnight. The fat did not arrive in 24 hours, seven days, or three months, and it will not go away that rapidly either!

However, if you do what you are supposed to do, it WILL go away sooner or later.

Second, you must realize that your body has to make more adjustments than simply "losing weight"...actually, losing fat! It has to construct new, and re-route existing blood vessels, repair and replace muscle tissue, ramp up hormone production, improve the circulatory and respiratory systems, and perform a wide range of other tasks as well. In the process of getting all this done, the weight loss process may take a little time to become evident.


When people begin exercising to lose weight, they often do NOT notice an immediate weight loss. Many will notice a WEIGHT GAIN!

This is normal and should not upset you!

Why is that?

Well, exercise builds lean muscle mass.

Quite often, someone will be adding lean muscle mass (which takes up less space than fat) at a faster rate than they are burning fat. If they are very overweight, they may not be able to observe any positive change at all. If they are less overweight, however, they may be able to observe that clothes are getting looser, even though the scale says they are gaining weight. After all, lean muscle takes up a lot less room than fat, and trading even a few pounds of fat for muscle can result in some loose clothing and perhaps a need for a shopping trip to purchase some smaller clothes!

This is just one simple example of why you must have faith that the program will work, the dedication to stick with it even when you are not getting immediate rewards or results, and why you really need to educate yourself about how weight loss works.

After all, can you imagine the chagrin and total frustration experienced by someone who has been working hard and watching what they eat only to step on the scale and see that they have GAINED WEIGHT instead of losing it...


There are a hundred, heck, maybe even a thousand, little things to learn about weight loss in order to get the most benefit and achieve the most rapid results...which will NEVER be fast enough for most people. You cannot learn all these things overnight, and trying to do too much too fast in the hopes of accomplishing a lot real fast cannot only be detrimental to the weight loss program itself, but can cause people to quit for various reasons which I have written about elsewhere...and can possibly cause injury, and even DEATH!

However, before you do have a chance to learn all the tips and tricks, you CAN get up out of that chair, take the dog for a short walk (daily), and make a few more healthy decisions about what you are going to put in your mouth.

You know this stuff already!

After all, should you eat one piece of apple pie, or two?
Should you eat apple pie, or an apple?

I bet you got both those answers right.

Now, before you run out and get all those books from the library and start trying out all the exercise programs, let me give you one last piece of advice.

Many of those people wrote those books based on their personal experiences and knowledge, but they do not know you from Adam or Eve. While their basic premise may be right, their particular diet or exercise program may not be right for you. As you learn, you will find that you will probably have to modify WHAT you learn so that it fits you.

Also, you may read in one of those books that you should be doing X number of a particular exercise, so many times a week. If you are just starting out, it is highly probable that at first you simply cannot do that!

Don't even try to, unless you know that you are in pretty good shape.

No matter how they word it, they are really only giving you a target to shoot at.

Odds are that at first you will not be able to hit the mark, at least not with regularity, until you have gotten a little more experience. Keeping the target analogy going, if you decided to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow, you would not expect to be able to hit the bulls eye time after time right from the start, would you? In fact, if someone tried really hard on the first day, I can guarantee that many people would not even be able to draw the bow on the second day, and would have given up on archery by the end of the week.

Well, that's the same thing that happens to people who throw themselves into diets and exercise programs without the knowledge, preparation, and willingness to stick with it necessary for success.

Just start small. Learn the tricks. Make small adjustments as you learn, and grow as a weight loss expert, and you will soon see the results you were willing to wait for.

See, two small steps to weight loss really can make all the difference.


Donovan Baldwin is a 77-year-old exerciser, author, poet, ex-optician, and Internet marketer currently living in the Dallas - Fort Worth area. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he has been a member of Mensa and has held several managerial and supervisory positions throughout his career. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, with 21 years of service, he became interested in Internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes original articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters.

He has an online store of various health supplements which can be found at http://nodiet4me.com/health_products/.


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P. S. If you want to learn about why Diets Don't Work, please click here.

If you want to learn how to burn fat, a great fat burning weight loss program is the Burn the Fat Body Transformation System by Tom Venuto, author of "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle".

2 Steps to Weight Loss
Web Page Copyright 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated September 3, 2024