Bodily Changes and Healthy Aging

From the day of our birth, our body endures many changes.

However, when we reach our mid twenties, or so, the body experiences a new series of bodily changes. About this time, our bodily functions start to decline.

The changes may be small at first, and the individual, as well as friends and family, may or may not be immediately aware of these changes, but they are there.

Muscles and Skeleton First

The musculoskeletal system is generally the first area where most age related degenerative conditions, diseases, and illnesses start.

Once a person turns 35 years of age regardless of their activities, athletic nature, etc. they begin to lose bone (osteoporosis) and muscle.

Bad news, huh?

Well, the good news is that anyone can reduce this degenerative process through regular exercise and by avoiding injuries to the muscles and joints. This can include avoiding activities which abuse muscles and bones, excessive use of alcohol, or use of drugs, and tobacco.

You can easily and simply improve your health by regular exercise, eating healthy, socializing with positive people, and avoiding environmental toxins.

See Your Doctor Regularly

Visiting your doctor for regular checkups is essential to prevent the diseases and conditions of aging as well. Your doctor will take your personal and family history into consideration as he or she helps you avoid disease. As noted earlier, our body starts to refuse by age 35, which our sensory organs will also start to take a rain check.

The Eyes Don't Have It Any More!

Around this point in time, the eyes are affected since they cannot remain focused on objects up close. In medical terms, this condition is known as presbyopia. This is why you see many people in the world over the age 40 wearing glasses, contact lenses, bifocals and so on.

Still, you often see the younger generation with these same needs, which is a clear sign that aging progression is starting earlier for some. This is often related to hereditary makeup, lifestyle, or environment.

Many people, as they grow older, lose a degree of hearing. In some instances, people go deaf after 40. This condition is called presbycusis, and is another sign of aging. Since this condition is common for those aging, it is natural to dislike things you once liked. For instance, if you enjoyed concerts when you were younger, and now find that you do not enjoy concerts at all, it may be because your hearing has changed, which usually loss of the abiiity to discern the higher pitches. When hearing is impaired, it often seems like those talking are inarticulate. Since the ability to hear worsens, the person will hear speech differently. For instance, the use of "K" may sound distorted, which affects comprehension.

In other words, a person older may hear the CH sound in a word, such as in "Chute Up", and think that someone is telling them to "shut-up". The CH has become distorted by their reduced hearing abilities.

If you are a relative or care-giver, you can help those with hearing difficulties by learning sign language and body languages to help them relate to you. These people can also benefit from hearing aids, or Assistive Listening Devices. The devices act as hearing aids, since it allows a person to block out noise in the background while focusing on the speaker.

Unfortunately, since loss of hearing ability sneaks up on us, WE often feel that those around us are the problem...not our aging hearing. If this is happening to you, it is time to "man up", or "woman up", or, as one person put it, "put your big girl panties on" if you prefer.

We see natural healthy aging in this picture, yet in some instances aging signs are unnatural.

For instance, if you incur lung cancer based on your history of smoking, or being around second-hand smoke, then the cause is unnatural.

As a person grows older his or her, weight changes as well and more so for those with family history of obesity. The body fat starts to change up to 30% by the time a person reaches 40. The changes affect the body tremendously, since this is the start of wrinkles and other natural aging signs.

Bodily Changes and Healthy Aging - Copyright 2018 by Donovan Baldwin

Page Updated 5:12 PM Friday 12 October 2018