3 Best Weight Lifting Sites

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3 of the Best Weight Lifting Sites on the Web

Let's face it, there are liteally hundreds of health and fitness websites out there, and I HAVE NOT visited all of them. Nor am I the world's expert on bodybuilding and weightlifting. However, I have visited many and ordered some of their products, and here are the sites that I consider to be the 3 best weightlifting websites out there.

The Best Exercises You Never Heard Of |Bodybuilding Revealed |Blast Your Bench

#1: The Best Exercises You Never Heard Of

One of the reasons I like this site is because of the broad range of information it offers on the subject, and because of the unique approach it takes to bodybuilding and weightlifting.

They offer several different products which concentrate on specific muscle groups or exercise areas. For example, they offer one training group called "Gluteus to the Maximus". and "The Best Chest Exercises You Never Heard Of", and "The Best Arm Exercises You Never Heard Of".

They also offer some specialized products, such as "Hybrid Training", and "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Weight Loss".

One thing they also have that you don't see that often is that they also offer the program in Spanish. Los Mejores Ejercicios De Los Que Ha Oído Jamás

My #1 pick for best weightlifting website is: The Best Exercises You Never Heard Of

#2. Iron Dolls: Female Bodybuilding Secrets

Through experience and hard work, successful female bodybuilder, Karen Session, has come to understand how to build muscle and do it the right way. Her female bodybuilding ebook was primarily written for the woman who want to build awesome muscle and strength, however it also covers the dieting aspect. That’s a great combination! I highly recommend this ebook for any woman who is looking to look and feel good, increase muscle definition, and live a healthy lifestyle.

If you want a complete course in weight training for women, check out Iron Dolls: Female Bodybuilding Secrets, by Karen Session.

#3. Blast Your Bench

I know that this great site by champion bodybuilder and trainer, Lee Hayward concentrates on the chest, and the major chest building exercise, the bench press. It is because of this concentration that I put it in the third spot. However, Lee's concentration on this one area can help improve any weight lifter's performance in so many areas, that I believe it is worth a spot on this page.

I also recommend Lee Hayward's Blast Your Biceps to the serious weightlifter or bodybuilder.

The third weightlifting website I recommend you visit is Lee Hayward's Blast Your Bench.

Copyright 2018 by Donovan Baldwin @ www.nodiet4me.com
3 Best Weight Lifting Websites
Page Updated 8:00 AM Tuesday 20 February 2018