How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Judgment, impulses, reaction times, hand-eye coordination and attention spans can all become impaired when you are sleep deprived.

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The hours of sleep we need on a daily basis varies depending on many factors, but mainly on our age and our current state of health. If we expect the sleep we do get to be beneficial, however, those hours of sleep must consist of quality sleep. If you are getting the suggested amount of sleep each night but still feel groggy or irritable or you cannot concentrate, there's a good chance you aren't getting enough deep sleep.

When we were newborns, we needed the most sleep. This is why we spent the majority of our days somewhere in dreamland.

Most newborns will sleep about 4 hours, then get up, or, rather, get us up, for a feeding, then they'll go right back to sleep for another few hours, then wake for a feeding, or to get changed, or to play...or to make us play with them. Then it's back to the old sleep grind.

During 24 hours, newborns generally spend between 14 and 16 hours sleeping...on average.

It's not until an infant gets to be between 3 to 6 months old that he or she can make it through an entire night without waking, which means parents can begin "catching up" on THEIR sleep!

Even though sleeping through the night, infants still spend most of their days asleep, sleeping between 10 - 14 hours.

Believe it or not, children and teenagers should also be getting this amount of sleep. After taking into consideration a child's or teen's schooling and other activities, a solid 10 hours of sleep is sufficient for most. Interestingly, what has been perceived for years as laziness in teenagers is turning out to be something more physiological. Studies are showing that more sleep seems to be necessary because of all the growth and hormonal changes taking place in a teen's body.

Adults need the least amount of sleep, and should feel lucky (as well as refreshed) if they can get around 8 or 8 ½ hours of sleep each night. In some cultures, people reduce the number of hours they sleep during the nighttime by an hour or so and make up the difference by taking a midday nap. Either way, the sum still equals around 8 hours for adults.

Older adults need about the same amount of sleep each day as adults, around 8. Women who are pregnant should increase the amount of sleep they get by about 3 hours.

You'll know you are getting enough sleep each day if you wake up feeling refreshed. If you find that you have trouble staying focused, or it takes only a few minutes to fall deep into sleep, or that you "nod off" during the day, chances are you're not getting enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences. If you are driving, for example, your reflexes may be slower, your eyes may stay closed longer when you blink and your chances of becoming involved in an accident increase. Consuming alcohol while sleep-deprived is not advisable since alcohol compounds these problems. Judgment, impulses, reaction times, hand-eye coordination and attention spans can all become impaired when you are sleep-deprived. Serious sleep deprivation can result in hallucinations.

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Web page copyright 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
How much sleep do I need?
Page Updated November 22, 2024