Benefits of Treating Sleep Apnea With A CPAP Machine
By Donovan Baldwin

The CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine has been shown to be an effective treatment for sleep apnea. However, there are many direct and indirect benefits of sleeping with a CPAP machine. Note that this is when the machine is prescribed by a doctor for a specific condition... generally sleep apnea.

The first obvious benefit is the reduction of the sleep apnea conditon itself. This means you, and anyone sleeping with you, is going to benefit from more restful, restorative sleep each night. But there are several more benefits of treating sleep apnea with a CPAP machine.

Here's a few more benefits to consider...

Prevent Heart Disease

Treating sleep apnea with a CPAP machine can help prevent heart disease and events, including congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and irregular heartbeat. Studies have definitively shown that people with treated sleep apnea, most often by means of sleeping with a CPAP machine, live longer, healthier lives, than those who receive no treatment.

Stroke Prevention

One major risk of aging is stroke, which can result in short and long term disability and even lead to death. People with untreated sleep apnea are two to four times as likely to have a stroke as those who have their sleep apnea treated.

Reduce Risk of Diabetes

Better sleep by treating sleep apnea with a CPAP machine results in better functioning of all systems and organs of the body, including glucose tolerance and resistance. Untreated sleep apnea increases the chances of experiencing type 2 diabetes.

Better Alertness and Concentration

This one's a no-brainer, really. Better quality sleep, and longer periods of this better quality sleep, will result in being more alert and able to accomplish mental tasks during your waking hours. You'll even become a safer driver (more observant and aware, at least), and probably find yourself in a better mood throughout each day.

Improved Emotional Stability and Lower Stress

Let's face it, occasional depression and the stress of life in general tend to happen to all of us. However, a good night's sleep has been shown to improve mental outlook, and helps us throw off the day to day accumulation of stress, which one researcher has labeled one of the most dangerous risk factors for all age related and degenerative diseases and conditions.

Decreased Medical Expenses - In Dollars and Time

As you can see from all the above, poor sleep in general, and sleep apnea in particular, can contribute to a host of health problems, conditions, and diseases. Sleep apnea treatment with a CPAP machine will reduce time and money spent at doctors' offices and hospitals, and on medications.

Better Personal Relationships

Again, a no-brainer. When we feel healthier and better, we usually get along with others better. We feel more like living life... playing with the kids, dates with our loved ones... things like that. And, last but definitely NOT least, the person who shares our bed will be happier when THEY begin sleeping better because we're treating our sleep apnea with a CPAP machine, which is relatively noiseless, by the way, and which helps reduce snoring.

As you can see there are many health benefits resulting from treating sleep apnea with a CPAP machine.

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Web page copyright 2021 by Donovan Baldwin
Benefits of Treating Sleep Apnea With A CPAP Machine
Web Page Updated 12:21 PM Saturday, October 8, 2021