Click here for the truth about six pack abs
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What is the truth about how to get six pack abs?

When it comes to burning fat, building muscle, and getting six pack abs, there's a lot of misinformation on the Internet. Mike Geary, author of 'The Truth About Abs' lays it on the line. Cardio before weights? Weights before cardio? You cannot turn fat into muscle, but you can exchange fat for muscle.

For more information about can I turn fat into muscle please click on the link title below:

The Best Abdominal Exercise Workouts

The truth about getting fit and getting a flat stomach fast is hard to determine...especially with all the MIS-information online.

A well-known and highly respected fitness professional named Mike Geary has created a great reference, 'The Truth About Abs which gives you the facts about getting fit and getting a flat hard stomach.

In his book, Mike answers many questions such as:

  • Can I turn fat into muscle with exercise?
  • Why do I weigh more after exercise than I do before?
  • Does working out burn fat or is that a weight loss myth?
  • Should I do my cardio before weight training?
  • Should I eat before or after I exercise, and what should I eat?
  • Should I do my weight training before my cardio or should I do cardio before weights?
  • Is eating after working out bad for my body?
  • Does a body burn fat or muscle first...and why?
It's really confusing if you don't know the facts. For example, "Should I do weights before cardio, cardio before weights, do them on different days, or on the same day?" How do you know what works and what doesn't?

Get all the facts about fitness and fabulous abs from Mike Geary's, 'The Truth About Abs'.

If you need more information about why do I weigh more after exercise you will find a very informative website at The Truth About Abs by Mike Geary.

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Home - Reviews - Review of The Truth About Abs
Page Updated 8:42 AM Thursday 1/24/2013