Information About the Get Clean® Water Pitcher Filtration System from Shaklee

The water you drink from your tap may look clean, but exactly how safe is it? Cleaner, healthier water is just a pitcher away with the Get Clean® Water Pitcher Filtration System from Shaklee....and stop paying for bottled water.

Information About the Get Clean® Water Pitcher Filtration System from Shaklee
By Donovan Baldwin


The water from your tap may look clean, but exactly how safe is it?

Are you aware that many chemicals that can be harmful to your health can actually turn up in the water your family drinks?

We're talking about heavy metals, industrial pollutants, pesticides.


Yep, it's a fact. There's water pollution out there in many forms, and harmful contaminants can actually enter our water supply and have the potential to create long-term health challenges for us and our families. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the water we drink is responsible for up to 20% of lead exposure in humans. Another EPA report demonstrates that at least 13% of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act in each of the past five years.


Get Clean® Water by Shaklee is a revolutionary new water filtration pitcher system certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to reduce up to 99% of lead1, as well as dozens of other nasty contaminants that can turn up in your water and may be harmful to your health.

Multiple patents help ensure that the Get Clean® Water filtration pitcher uses a solid block of carbon to filter and clean your water. Each Get Clean® Water filter handles 80 gallons of water, twice as much as Brita® and PUR®2, and each filter is made from sustainable coconut shell carbon using a zero emission process.

As an extra plus, it’s the first pitcher of its kind with a refillable carbon-block filter system, so there’s less waste going to the landfills...not to mention you can stop paying for bottled water.

Hey! That's a selling point for more plastic water bottles!


  • An Environmental Working Group (EWG) study found a total of 316 contaminants, including 97 agricultural and 204 industrial contaminants, in the tap water of 45 states.

  • According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, public water utilities have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act more than 700,000 times in the last decade.

  • Like bottled water? Well, my friend, unlike public water utilities, the bottled water industry is not required to publicly disclose the results of any contaminant testing it conducts.

  • So, as you see, even bottled water may not be contaminant free. The EWG found a total of 38 contaminants in the water of 10 popular brands.

  • In 2020, statistics show that 15 billion gallons of bottled water were consumed in the United States alone...mainly by people who thought it was safer than tap water...which has to meet certain standards.

  • In a recent year, 1.64 million tons of bottled water packaging materials were produced in the U.S.; only 34% of those materials were recycled.

  • According to a resolution from the U.S. Conference of Mayors, it takes 1.5 million barrels of oil every year in the production of water bottles made for use in the U.S. My friend, that’s enough oil to power 50,000 cars for a year.
Get Clean® Water by Shaklee is certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to reduce up to 99% of lead...which Brita® and PUR® are not.3 This first-of-its-kind water-filtration pitcher system is also certified to reduce dozens of harmful contaminants, including heavy metals, agricultural pollutants, disinfection by-products, and many industrial pollutants.

The water from your tap may look clean, but exactly how safe is it? If you are worried about water pollution in drinking water, get cleaner, healthier water with the Get Clean® Water Pitcher Filtration System from Shaklee....and stop paying for bottled water

For more information about clean tap water please click on the link title below:

Get Clean® Water is a revolutionary new water pitcher filtration system from Shaklee which has been certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to reduce up to 99% of well as dozens of other nasty contaminants that can turn up in your water and may be harmful to your health.

If you need more information about remove harmful contaminants you will find a very informative website at

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Information About the Get Clean® Water Pitcher Filtration System from Shaklee
Web Page Copyright 2023 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated 2:25 PM Wednesday, January 1, 2023