About Life Shake™ Plant Protein From Shaklee

Complete nutritious meal in a glass. The new Life Shake™ is a convenient, healthy, complete meal with 20 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber, 24 essential vitamins and minerals, and indulgent flavors you'll crave.

About Life Shake™ Plant Protein From Shaklee
Shaklee Life Shake helps build lean muscle, burn fat, lose fat weight inches, pure protein, healthy digestion, regularity, prebiotic, low glycemic index
About Life Shake™ Plant Protein From ShakleeWe often think of things such as meal replacements and protein shakes as being something for athletes... runners, bodybuilders, weight lifters, fashion models. Truth is, while these people can benefit from such nutritional supplements, life itself is often a competition where we need to be at the top of our game, so to speak.

Whether we are competitive athletes, trying to find an effective weight management strategy or plan, or just "ordinary" people needing a little help in dealing with the ups and downs of life, this Shaklee product will help.

The Shaklee Life Shake contains natural ingredients, including pea protein, chia & pumpkin seed protein, REB M (Rebaudioside M), and Leucine.

This is a complete nutritious meal in a glass. The new Life Shake™ is a convenient, healthy, complete meal with 20 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber, 24 essential vitamins and minerals, and indulgent flavors you'll crave.

build lean muscle, burn fat, lose fat weight inches, pure protein, healthy digestion, regularity, prebiotic, low glycemic index Information on "About Life Shake™ Plant Protein From Shaklee" has been updated and permanently moved.

For the latest and most complete information on build lean muscle, burn fat, lose fat weight inches, pure protein, healthy digestion, regularity, prebiotic, low glycemic index
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About Life Shake™ Plant Protein From Shaklee

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