Want to treat your skin to a spa experience at home? This exclusive Shea butter compound, with Vitamin E, moisturizes deeply and thoroughly, seeping into your skin, leaving it blissfully smooth and restored.

Shaklee Enfuselle® Spa Ultra Moisturizing Shea Butter Cream & best skincare products, makeup, younger skin, softer skin, glowing skin, moisturizing product, beauty regimen, youthful appearance
Want to treat your skin to a spa experience at home? This exclusive Shea butter compound, with Vitamin E, moisturizes deeply and thoroughly, seeping into your skin, leaving it blissfully smooth and restored.

Who wouldn't like to have smoother, younger looking skin?

As we age, our skin becomes thinner, dryer, much less vibrant, but, the right skin moisturizer can help restore its youthful appearance and feel.

One of the finest skin moisturizers is Shea butter.

What Does Shea Butter Do For Your Skin?

Shea butter is an emollient which softens and hydrates skin. It contains several types of fatty acids — including lineoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids, which improve the condition and appearance of your skin's natural barrier. Shea butter also protects skin from damage from destructive elements in the environment, such as pollutants.

Want to treat your skin to a spa experience at home? This exclusive Shea butter compound, with Vitamin E, moisturizes deeply and thoroughly, seeping into your skin, leaving it blissfully smooth and restored.

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Page Updated 9:06 AM Wednesday, October 27, 2021