About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner

This cost effective, concentrated, biodegradable cleaning product from Shaklee removes grease, grime, and dirt in many different ways. Contains sustainably sourced ingredients.

About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner
& natural, chemical free, biodegradable, environmentally friendly, green product, degreaser
About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner I personally see three basic questions about any biodegradable household cleaner:
  1. What are the reasons for using a biodegradable household cleaner?
  2. Will it work as well as other, non-biodegradable cleaners?
  3. Is there an extra cost involved in using a particular biodegradable household cleaner?

Any good biodegradable household cleaner is environmentally worth the use, simply because it is good for the environment by being biodegradable, not leaving any toxic residue. However, these types of cleaners are generally made with non-toxic, or, at least, less toxic ingredients than standard household cleaning products. This is good for the planet AND for you and your family.

Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner, IS a powerful cleaning product, capable of cleaning grease, grime, and dirt from most surfaces, just as effectively as more toxic competitors.

It also is concentrated. Although the initial current member price of $10.65 per 16 oz. bottle, actually buys 48 gallons a powerful cleaning product, making it quite cost effective.

This cost effective, concentrated, biodegradable cleaning product from Shaklee removes grease, grime, and dirt in many different ways. Contains sustainably sourced ingredients.

natural, chemical free, biodegradable, environmentally friendly, green product, degreaser Information on "About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner" has been updated and permanently moved.

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About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner

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About Shaklee Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner Copyright 2023 Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated 12:03 PM Saturday, May 20, 2023