The Shaklee B-Complex product offers a perfect balance of all eight B vitamins to fortify your body, filling in nutritional B-vitamin gaps.

Shaklee B Complex Supplement & cellular energy, brain health, Shaklee supplement
The Shaklee B-Complex product offers a perfect balance of all eight B vitamins to fortify your body, filling in nutritional B-vitamin gaps.

Of the many important nutrients, the B vitamins are vital for proper bodily function, as they help convert food into energy for your cells. There are eight essential B vitamins, and they work best when they work together.

Unfortunately, a typical American diet doesn’t often provide enough of the whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and fish needed to provide 100% of the Daily Value.

The Shaklee B-Complex product offers a perfectly engineered balance of all eight B vitamins to fortify your body, filling in nutritional B-vitamin gaps.

The Shaklee B-Complex Product:

  • Promotes cellular energy production with eight B vitamins that catalyze critical biochemical reactions in the body, including converting the foods we eat into energy.
  • Helps power brain, heart, lungs, and other organs.
  • The eight B vitamins are also essential in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism to create the energy your body needs for optimum health.

    The B vitamins in the Shaklee B Complex supplement are vital for proper bodily function as they help convert food into energy for your cells.

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    Shaklee B Complex Supplement Copyright 2021 Donovan Baldwin
    Page Updated 2:09 PM Tuesday, October 12, 2021
