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True health can be attained only by maintaining a healthy properly functioning immune system and using home remedies can definitely help to strengthen the ability to fight diseases.

8 Ways To Boost Your Immune System & Live longer, Be healthy, Fight disease naturally
True health can be attained only by maintaining a healthy properly functioning immune system and using home remedies can definitely help to strengthen the ability to fight diseases.

Boost Your Immune System - 8 Ways to Strengthen Immune System
By Charles Silverman N.D.

Sixty five years ago medical scientists promised us that infections caused by bacteria and others would be a thing of the past due to the new discovery of patented pharmaceutical drugs. This very brave statement was made and almost automatically more than half of the herbs recommended in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia were taken off to be replaced with these chemical drugs. I wish I could tell you that the promised was kept and that now we live in an infection free world, but this is not so. We are all familiar with the enormous amounts and resistance of bacteria. Antibiotics have not live up to their promised; to the contrary they have become a problem in itself, by over use and side effects that cause liver, kidney, nervous and immune system damage.

Modern conventional medicine battles diseases directly by means of drugs, surgery, radiation and other therapies, but true health can be attained only by maintaining a healthy properly functioning immune system and using home remedies can definitely help to strengthen the ability to fight diseases.

It is the immune system that fights off disease-causing microorganisms and it engineers the healing process. The immune system is the key to fighting every kind of insult to the body, from that little shaving scratch to the gigantic amount of viruses the constantly try to invade our bodies. Even the aging process may be related to a deteriorated immune system.

Weakening of the immune system makes us vulnerable to every type of illness that affects humans. Some common signs of impaired immune functions include fatigue, lassitude, repeated infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhea and infections related to overgrowth of benign organisms already present in the body, such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections and other fungal infections. It is calculated that a normal adult gets an average of two colds per year. People suffering from colds more than the average are likely to have some sort of immune deficiency. Dark circles could be directly related to an immune system malfunction.

Explaining what the immune system is the hard part. The immune system it is not an organ but an interaction between many organs, structures and substances with the task of recognizing or differencing from things that belong and those that don't belong to the body, and then neutralizing or destroying the ones that are foreign.

The immune system is like no other bodily system, the patrolling and protecting tasks of the immune system are share by white cells, bone marrow, the lymphatic vessels and organs, specialized cells found and various body tissues, and specialized substances, called serum factors, that are present in the blood. Ideally, all of these components work together to protects the body against diseases.

To boost and protect your immune system I recommend a list of herbs, vitamins, supplements and special home remedies recipes that have shown remarkable results throughout the years.

Home Remedies to strengthen the immune system.

Home Remedy #1: Astragalus boosts the immune system and generates anticancer cells in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from toxins. This makes this plant ideal for people suffering from dark circles due to liver problems and depressed immune system. IMPORTANT: Do not take this herb if fever is present.

Home Remedy #2: Baybarry has antibiotic effects for sore throat, coughs, clods and flu.

Home Remedy #3: Garlic is effective against at least 30 types of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

Home Remedy #4: Echinacea boosts the immune system and enhances lymphatic function.

Home Remedy #5: Goldenseal strengthens the immune system, cleanses and detoxifies the body. It has anti bacteria properties.

Home Remedy #6: In a small town called Chirchik, Russia, a flu epidemic swept the town. When many adults and children did not get sick scientists wanted to know why they were immune to the disease. It turns out that all of them used the berries from an herb called Shizandra.

Home Remedy #7: Include in the diet chlorella, garlic and pearl barley. These foods contain germanium, a trace element beneficial for the immune system. Also giant red kelp contains iodine, calcium, iron, carotene, protein, riboflavin and vitamin C, which are necessary for the immune system's functional integrity.

Home Remedy #8: Vitamin C may be the single most important nutrient for the immune system. It is essential for the formation of adrenal hormones and the production of lymphocytes. It also has direct effect on bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C should be taken with bioflavonoids, natural plant substances that enhance absorption and reinforce the action of this vitamin.

Charles Silverman N.D., a Naturalist and Herbalist since 1979, is the author of the Home Made Medicine e-book and the Web site. Charles lives in Miami, FL and has dedicated a major part of his life to teach people how to prepare their own natural remedies and natural products to treat virtually any disease. He has traveled around the world from Canada, Germany, France, and India to the mountains of Peru and Argentina (South America) researching and studying the different domestic species of herbs and plants. Now you he wants you to have all of his secrets and knowledge in his amazing e-book and Newsletter. Sing up now for a free report and learn how to treat three of the most common illnesses naturally and without chemical drugs: Subscribe Now

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True health can be attained only by maintaining a healthy properly functioning immune system and using home remedies can definitely help to strengthen the ability to fight diseases.

Live longer, Be healthy, Fight disease naturally Information on "8 Ways To Boost Your Immune System" has been updated 9:27 AM Saturday 26 May 2018.

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