Skin Diseases Result of Internal Disorders & Erysipelas, acne, eczema, scabies, pediculosis |
![]() Most of the diseases known by the name of skin diseases, are digestive troubles and blood disorders manifesting in the skin. As soon as the systemic disease upon which they depend disappears, these so-called skin diseases get well. Erysipelas is one of the so-called germ diseases, but it is controlled very quickly by a proper diet. It can not occur in people until they have ruined their health by improper living. Pure blood will not allow the development of the streptococcus erysipelatis in sufficient numbers to cause trouble. First the disease develops and then the germ comes along and multiplies in great numbers, giving it type. Acne, which is very common for a few years after puberty, shows a bad condition of the blood. Even during the changes that occur at puberty no disease will manifest in healthy boys and girls. About this time the young people eat excessively, the result being indigestion and impure blood. The changes that occur in the skin make it a favorable place for irritations to manifest. Let the boys and girls eat so that they have bright eyes and clean tongues and there will be very little trouble from disfiguring pimples. Eczema is generally curable by means of proper diet and the same is true of nearly all skin diseases that afflict infants. There are diseases of the skin due to local irritants, such as the various forms of trade eczema, scabies (itch), and pediculosis (lousiness), but the fact remains that nearly all skin diseases fail to develop if the individual eats properly, and most of them can be cured, after they have developed, by proper diet and attention to hygiene generally. If the diet is such that irritants are manufactured in the alimentary tract and absorbed into the blood, and then excreted through the skin, where enough irritation is produced to cause disease, it is useless to treat with powders and salves. Correct the dietetic errors and the skin will cure itself. Specialists in skin diseases often fail because they treat this organ as an independent entity, instead of considering it as a part of the body whose health depends mostly upon the general health. While there are genuine skin disorders, many symptoms such as rashes and other skin eruptions are the result of poor health and other issues, often including poor nutrition and digestion. Erysipelas, acne, eczema, scabies, pediculosis Information on "Skin Diseases Result of Internal Disorders" has been updated and permanently moved. For the latest and most complete information on Erysipelas, acne, eczema, scabies, pediculosis...visit Revitol Skin Care Products Store |
Skin Diseases Result of Internal Disorders |
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