About Ionic Foot Detox
What is Ionic Foot Detox program?
The feet have over 4,000 large pores and many alternative health practitioners make use of this to remove toxins from the body. Negative ions have long been known to aid in the removal of toxins. Ionic foot detox makes use of specially designed machines to detox the body through the feet.
How does it work?
The health benefits of negative ions are well known, and their unique properties are what makes an ionic foot bath detox so effective. When water is ionized and split into H+ and OH- ions (and sometimes into H3O+ and H2O2 ions), these ions are able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. A detox foot spa offers a way to utilize this opportunity to revitalize and cleanse yourself with all-natural mechanisms.
What happens with ionic foot detox?
Can anybody benefit from ionic foot detox?
People of any age, sex and background can greatly benefit from this natural cleansing approach, and you'll notice big changes in a very short period of time. A detox foot spa can be your key to a reinvigorated, healthy lifestyle. We invite you to take a look around at all of our ionic foot bath detox products and find something that's a great match for you.
Where can I buy ionic foot baths and accessories online?
A company called Health and Med offers a wide range of products for Ionic foot bath detox.
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