What is Painful Angular Cheilitis - Definition, Causes and Treatment

Angular Cheilitis, also known as cheilosis and angular stomatits, affects the skin around the lips leading to ugly and painful cracks, most often in the corners of the mouth.

For more information about angular cheilitis treatment please click on the link title below:
After years of suffering from Angular Cheilitis, Jason White learned that the source of his condition was a nutritional deficiency and NOT a skin disease.which could simply and safely be treated with antibiotics.

What is Painful Angular Cheilitis - Definition, Causes and Treatment
By Donovan Baldwin

Angular Cheilitis is also known as cheilosis or angular stomatitis.


Click here to cure angular Cheilitis at home.This condition affects the skin around the lips leading to painful cracks, most often in the corners of the mouth. In severe cases, these cracks can become inflamed, bleed and sometimes infections develope inside the cracks. This can make everday actions, such as talking, eating, or even smiling, a painful experience for the sufferer.

While these conditions are sometimes minimal and merely a nuisance for most of us, there are some people for whom Angular Cheilitis is a way of life...and not a fun way to live, either.


Commonly, it is a combination of factors which can lead to this condition.

Probably the most important factor for the development of Angular Cheilitis is the presence of moisture inside the folds of the mouth, mainly at the corners of the mouth. This moisture creates a favorable condition for the accumulation, and growth, of bacteria. This will eventually lead to irritation and even infection. Shallow ulcerations are also very common in severe cases, forming a crust if they are not wiped out from the surface.


Additionally, poor nutrition is also a factor which can trigger this condition. A diet lacking iron, zinc, and riboflavin (B2), as well as the lack of a strong immune system that could effectively fight this type of infection, favor the rapid development of Angular Cheilitis.

Chapped lips, which are continuously licked can easily transform into an angular Cheilitis, especially if the environment in which the individual lives is a humid or cold one. This is why, in cold weather people are recommended not to lick their lips as they will not bring any relief to the sensations brought by chapped lips, but rather make the condition worse. The salive does not moisturize the skin, but rather increases the risk of infection, as it contains lots of bacteria which can be quite harmful to the already damaged skin. Children and seniors are more prone to develop this condition as they are more sensitive to extreme temperatures and their immune system is not capable of fully coping with the outside threats.

The infection, when combined with an overgrowth of Candida Albicans (thrush) can further increase the sufferer's pain and make the condition even more severe.


Usually, Angular Cheilitis is treated by doctors with antibiotics, and with an ointment containing 1% hydrocortisone. Yet, the treatment may last for couple of weeks and even months. In some cases the condition keeps reappearing after a period of time, another treatment being necessary. However, there are effective natural remedies for Angular Cheilitis.


If you are tired of trying to live with Angular Cheilitis day by day, and fighting it without obtaining any kind or result, you want to take a look at a program called "Angular Cheilitis Free Forever". Thousands have already used it to get rid of this embarrassing and painful condition in just a few days! Just try this treatment in the comfort of your home and in a few days you will be ready to get out of the house without having cracks or inflammation in the corners of your mouth! You will be free to smile, eat and drink what you want again without any pain or suffering!

If you believe that your nutrtion might be lacking in some way, take a look at these essential nutrition products from Shaklee.

Partial Contents
  • Cracked lips at corners of mouth
  • Angular cheilitis treatment
  • Angular cheilitis home remedy
  • What is angular cheilitis
  • Cure for angular cheilitis
  • Sores on corners of the mouth
  • Relieve angular cheilitis
  • Angular cheilitis sores
  • Remedies for angular cheilitis
Angular Cheilitis Free Forever - Remove the Sores Around Your Mouth

After years of suffering from Angular Cheilitis, Jason White learned that the source of his condition was a nutritional deficiency and NOT a skin disease.which could simply and safely be treated with antibiotics.

If you need moreinformation about angular cheilitis home remedy you will find a very informative website at Angular Cheilitis Free Forever.

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Article: Painful Angular Cheilitis - Definition, Causes, and Treatment
Page Updated 6:08 AM Saturday 19 May 2018