Natural Remedy Stop Snoring - Part 1

How to get a good night's sleep for better health

Using Natural remedies for Stopping the Snorezzzzzzzz

VitalSleep Relationship BannerSnoring is generally caused by some sort of disruption in the passageway for air in the throat. Under normal conditions, air passes from the nose and throat to the lungs without much hindrance. But, in snorers, the soft tissue in the upper palate, or throat, gets in the way, for various reasons, and vibrates, thus causing that infuriating zzzzzzzz sound you hear when you're asleep...or, trying to be.

So you think it's hopeless? No, it's not. Like any physical condition, snoring has many remedies, ranging from the natural to more complex types like surgery and the use of technology and other devices and aides.

So here are a few solutions you might want to try for that peaceful, good night's sleep:

Alcohol, caffeine, smoking, overeating, the lack of physical activity and too much stress are some of the identified causes of snoring. So the easiest way to start is to change your lifestyle. Steer clear of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine as they suppress breathing drive. Don't go to sleep yet while the stomach's full. And take a moment to rest after a hard day's work or if under stress before hitting the sheets. For much the same reason, overweight people have a greater tendency to snore because of the bulky neck tissue they are afflicted with. To solve this, try losing at least 10% of your body weight.

Yep! That's all it takes in most cases.

Most snorers sleep on their back.

Snoring most commonly is caused when the soft palate, uvula, tongue, tonsils and muscles in the back of the throat come together, creating a vibrating sound. Learn to vary your sleeping positions. Try sleeping your side, for example. Proper sleeping posture should also be maintained. Make sure that the head is properly supported by a nice, comfortable pillow. Raise the head of your bed at least four inches higher. You can place a book or a foam wedge under your mattress. They even sell "lifts" to place under the legs of your bed.

Inhale steam before going to bed. Nasal congestion is one of the reasons for snoring. To reduce congestion, deeply breathe in steam through your nose before going to bed.

Since snoring is largely a breathing problem, one important step is to make sure to correct your breathing habits.

Learn to breathe properly through the nose. Loud snores are aggravated when we breath through our open mouth. To start, make sure that your mouth is closed when you're asleep so that the air would pass only through your nose.

You can also try nasal strips that provide relief from congestion. These nasal strips hold open the nostrils, helping you to breathe through your nose. There are also throat sprays that coat the soft tissue of the throat, allowing the air to move freely.

Of course, for more serious cases of snoring, there are more complex, technology-assisted remedies such as the CPAP, a machine that blows air through the nose via a mask during sleep; surgery which removes the palate and the throat tissue for easier breathing.

Some people benefit form over-the-counter sleep aid products such as SnoreZip.

Try these remedies and see what works. One remedy may not work for you so make sure that you know the cause of the problem. It may be lifestyle or a physical condition like a breathing problem. Unless it's a serious case, these natural remedies are workable and easy to follow. In no time at all, there's no more tossing and turning in bed, plugging your ears, or playing one of Beethoven’s symphonies in an attempt to drown out the sound.

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Natural Remedy Stop Snoring Part 1 News Headlines:

Sleep Apnea Is Linked to a Higher Risk for Cancer

Natural Remedy Stop Snoring Part 1 Selected Web Resources:

SnoreZip - get a good night's sleep for better health.

More Resources:

Stop Snoring Naturally With SnoreZip
Snore Zip is an all-natural, homeopathic oral spray designed to help alleviate the symptoms that may be causing you to snore, so you and your partner can get the benefits that come with getting better quality sleep.

Homeopathic and Herbal Health Products
© natural remedy stop snoring part 1 2016 Stop Snoring

Page Updated 11:00 AM Sunday 5/22/2016