Health and Beauty Uses for Lemons

Health and Beauty Uses for Lemons

Although not commonly available in all parts of the world until the last couple of centuries, the lemon, and various aspects, such as lemon juice, and an herb with the name of lemon balm, have been used for healing for centuries.

It's never a surprise to find out that something simple can do extraordinary things...often beyond their normal uses. So it is with lemons. There are many health and beauty benefits of lemons that you might not be aware of.

9 Things You Can Do for Health and Beauty With Lemons, Lemon Balm, and Lemon Juice

Although not commonly available in all parts of the world until the last couple of centuries, the lemon, and various aspects, such as lemon juice, and an herb with the name of lemon balm, have been used for healing for centuries.

Here are just a few uses that have been found for this versatile citrus fruit.

Okay, I promised nine things, so we're going to get the ringer, i.e. lemon balm, out of the way first with three for the price of one.

Nausea, Cold-Flu, and Cold Sores Etc.

You see, lemon balm, which is good for helping cold sores heal, because it helps kill viruses, is not really lemon at all. Actually a member of the mint family, lemon balm has been used historically in a wide range of applications, including toothache, skin eruptions, mad dog bites, crooked necks, and sickness during pregnancy. Some claimed it could prevent baldness. Lemon balm has traditionally been employed in cases of bronchial inflammation, earache, fever, flatulence, headaches, high blood pressure, influenza, palpitations, toothache, mood disorders and vomiting. A tea made from Lemon balm leaves has even been used to soothe menstrual cramps and relieve PMS.

Additionally, the herb is used for nervous agitation, sleeping problems, functional gastrointestinal complaints, menstrual cramps and urinary spasms.


Age Spots

Because of the Alpha Hydroxy acids in citrus fruits, such as lemons, can help diminish the appearance of age spots. Rubbing a little on the spot and letting it dry helps remove the outer cells, and, the lower cells may be lighter in appearance. You let it dry before going outside as it will make your skin more sensitive to the Sun.

Kidney Stones

Studies have shown that as little as half a cup of lemon juice a day, easily ingested as lemonade, can help curb kindney stones. Not only do lemon juice drinkers have fewer stones, they tend to be smaller in size as well. Lemon juice boosts levels of citrate in the urine, which keeps calcium in the urine from turning into stones.


You can get rid of corns while you sleep by taping a piece of lemon peel over the corn. The citric acid will soften the corn and exfoliate the skin. If the corn is still tender, rub some lemon juice on it.

Motion Sickness

While lemon juice seems to be effective for relieving nausea in many people, sometimes just the scent is enough to settle a queasy stomach. The American Cancer Society, which has a lot of experience with people battling nausea, recommends trying almost any pleasant scent, as many of these can help.

Nail Stains

Rubbing a lemon wedge on a discolored nail can help lighten it quite a bit. Actual cases of nail fungus will probably require a more specific treatment such as a prescription medication, or an over-the-counter neal fungus product, such as Zetaclear Nail Fungus Relief.

Master Cleanse Diet

Over 60 years ago, a weight loss program called the "Lemonade Diet", or "Master Cleanse" was developed which uses lemons, which are a wonderful natural detoxifier that have been used for hundreds of years. They help the liver and kidneys detoxify. The lemonade master cleanse is a mixture of fresh squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and distilled water. Cayenne pepper acts like a roto-rooter for your cells. It can help digestion, and helps clear out the bowels. Maple syrup is loaded with many naturally occurring minerals and B vitamins.

People on the Lemonade Diet, or Master Cleanse, drink only this formula and are not allowed to eat any food and must fast during the entire cleanse. One company has taken the original ingredients and put them into pill form which is taken in combination with a meal plan and exercise program which have been proven effective for weight loss.

For more information about health benefits of lemons please click on the link title below:

9 Things You Can Do for Health and Beauty With Lemons, Lemon Balm, and Lemon Juice

If you need more information about lemon juice you will find a very informative website at

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