Healthy Aging: Using Yoga to Control Body and Mind

While many consider it esoteric and "out there" for many, yoga is just another sort of exercise, and, another anti-aging tool.

Yoga assists with exercising and learning to control various aspects of the body and mind. Yoga helps you to take control of your Central Nervous System (CNS) and more. Enjoying yoga as a daily activity will build you up physically, bringing about good changes such as a stronger body, increased self-esteem, and an ability to control stress more effectively.

Learn this week's asana (yoga posture) from the world's #1 yoga teacher.

For more than fifty centuries, people have enjoyed the practice of yoga. Yoga has its roots are in India and has straddled the globe helping millions of people of all ages take control of body and mind. Yoga has proven to reduce stress, which promotes the health of the nervous system helping it to stay strong. Yoga. when enjoyed on a regular scale, is a great method to help you with many pressures. Yoga combines spirituality, exercise, positive thinking, breathing and so on to help you enjoy healthy aging.

The Pros and Cons of Yoga:

Wai Lana YogaYoga is practiced and praised by many people worldwide.

Yoga includes all aspects of fitness, health, gymnastics, physical and mental training guided by an easy to learn set of rules. Yoga helps you to maintain or lose weight. Yoga is a stress reducing practice. Yoga will train your mind, since it teaches you to control your thoughts through meditation and breathing.

Woman doing yogaIn fact, breathing right is essential to experiencing the best of yoga’s benefits. When you practice yoga, it keeps you in contact with your inner self. You learn to balance your mind and body, which helps lead to good health. Your learn to control your emotions as well, which means fears, doubts, and other negative influences will not take control of your life. As you practice yoga, you will feel comfortable with yourself and the people around you. The world will become yours, since you learn to communicate effectively and stop sweating the small stuff.

The cons in yoga, include the fact that some types of yoga training are not right for everyone. Another negative about yoga is that you sometimes have to modify the workouts to benefit your body type and to avoid the workout that might not be suited for your strengths. This is not necessarily a con, but it can be if you are a beginner and not quite sure how to modify yoga positions (asanas) to your needs.

How to get started in yoga.

Gaiam yoga productsThe first thing you should do is see your family doctor. Make sure you are able to enjoy the type of yoga you choose. When your doctor approves of your choice of yoga steps start out slowly. Guide your way into mediate exercising. Yoga will put you in connection with your spiritual side, so prepare to find a new you.

When you first start yoga, perhaps you would benefit from joining groups that practice yoga. The group sessions may inspire you to continue your journey to healthy aging. Having support is essential for all of us, which yoga groups can become your support team. If you cannot find a group in your area, visit your local library. You can also purchase books and videos that train you how best to practice and enjoy yoga.

Where do I go after I’ve trained in yoga?

After you have taken the steps to get started in yoga, you will need to find a quiet area that makes you feel comfortable. You want to avoid interruptions while practicing yoga. The good news is that yoga requires little in the way of equipment or space. I recently read an article in which a yogin, someone who practices yoga, did not have a place to put down his yoga mat on his boat, so he cut it to fit the place he had. I often do my yoga on the floor right beside my bed.

When will I notice the change in myself?

Like many things in life, you will not notice a change in yourself right away. It takes time to notice or feel the changes. If you do this on a regular basis, like you are supposed to do, you will soon see some positive changes gradually appear. Keep in mind that yoga is teaching you how to control your mind, body and emotions. Work with yoga and yoga will work with you.

Healthy Aging: Using Yoga to Control Body and Mind
Web Page copyright 2022 by Donovan Baldwin
Page Updated 8:33 AM Tuesday, August 23, 2022